RF Generation Message Board

Collecting => Collection Connection => Topic started by: Guru on September 05, 2014, 07:27:01 AM

Title: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Guru on September 05, 2014, 07:27:01 AM
Hey all.
First off I'm new to both the forum and collecting as a whole, but that being said I am already in love with both.
My question to you all is do you play all the games that you add to your collection? I understand that a lot of you out there have hundreds to thousands of games and there's no way to either complete or consistently play them all. But when you pick up a new game you haven't had before, do you always pop it in and give it a little try?

My main collections at the moment are N64, original Xbox, and Xbox 360. I have been steadily building my collection at Gamestop recently with their under $5 bin and I will pick up any game (besides sports or racing) that I either haven't heard of or haven't played. Sometimes I will leave with 10+ games and I don't end up playing them. I do plan on playing some, but others I know I won't play but I just like having it in the collection.

What do you guys do I would love to know :)

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Addicted on September 05, 2014, 07:52:39 AM
Welcome to the site!

As I'm sure most others will say I try to play as much as possible. Lately I've been trying to limit my collecting to games I know I will play. If you haven't already check out the latest RFGen podcast as it covers this topic:


Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Disposed Hero on September 05, 2014, 08:39:56 AM
I buy all or most of my games with the intention of actually playing them someday, but that's pretty much impossible at this point.  I consider myself an equal opportunity gamer, so I like to play almost anything from almost every genre.  Once my game collection hit about 1100-1200 individual physical titles (not including the other 1000 or so I own digitally), I came to the realization that I already own more games than I could ever play in a lifetime, and I'm constantly getting more through various means.  I've recently been 'trimming the fat' from my collection, getting rid of games that I know I'll never play (random sports titles and just generally bad games), or games I've played before that I know I'll never want to play again.

That said, I usually don't just pop a game in for a few minutes and try it out when I first get it.  I may pop it in to test it to make sure it works, but I'm not really playing it to sample the gameplay.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: MaterialHandlerMike on September 05, 2014, 11:53:32 AM
Like Disposed Hero, I try out almost every loose game, when I get them home. That being said, I do have a few sealed games now, some I have no intention of ever playing.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Boshamp on September 05, 2014, 12:04:54 PM
I would say about 90% of my collection is unplayed...sadly, there are a lot of great and rare games I have never played. I just don't have the time I used to to play games.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Techie413 on September 05, 2014, 01:12:25 PM
After being asked many times by people about what percentage of my collection I have actually played, I decided to spend some time increasing that number.  After finally completing my game room organization, I began running through my SNES drawers - A to Z.  I'm up to D, and I've already considered letting some titles go while realizing how good other titles are.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: slackur on September 05, 2014, 01:38:49 PM

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: InvadErGII on September 05, 2014, 03:02:25 PM
All or most?

Nope. :(

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Dangerboy on September 07, 2014, 02:18:01 PM
That may never be possible...

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: SirPsycho on September 07, 2014, 03:08:03 PM
That may never be possible...

Hey its because of your videos that I am now on the warpath to getting a copy of Fox Hunt.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Dangerboy on September 08, 2014, 05:40:03 PM
SirPsycho: Worth every penny :D

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: zcrich01 on September 25, 2014, 12:19:21 PM
I'm not even close to playing all of my games. I suppose I've played more of my PS2/Genesis games than anything else, but I've probably played less than 15% of the 1800+ games I own. There's a certain point where your collection is just too large to ever have any possibility of playing everything.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: TheSaintOfPain on September 26, 2014, 12:24:21 AM
Out of the approximately 750 or so games I currently own, I've really played maybe about 50% of them, but I have tested all of them, something I do with every item I get.  It's hard to find time to play everything, especially when you're raising a nephew, working 6 weeknights a week, and usually busy with doctor's appointments and other important stuff on your day off.  :P  Because of all of that, I tend to play quick and easy games in my collection if I find the time, and it's usually games I've already played through at least once, mostly for convenience.  The last game I've recently played that I hadn't before is Red Dead Redemption, and I'm not very far into that at the moment.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: techwizard on September 26, 2014, 12:27:53 AM
50% out of 750 games? that's pretty impressive actually, i think i'm in the <15% group myself with less games than that

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Boshamp on September 26, 2014, 12:42:34 AM
Agreed. Out of 2200 games, claiming I have played 10% of them might even be a stretch. You would be doing well above me at half of your collection or even just 300 games. I really hope I can play more of my stuff, and having family over more will hopefully be the start of that.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: GamerNick on September 27, 2014, 04:25:59 AM
this question is kind of hard for me to answer at over 5700 games - I have not a clue how many I have physically played.  Hard to focus on just one system.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Izret101 on September 27, 2014, 09:32:49 AM
The answer is no.
If you spent 10 minutes playing every game you own it would take 950 hours.

Personally 10 minutes doesn't seem like enough time to claim you have played a game past the point of testing it for functionality.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: TheSaintOfPain on September 27, 2014, 01:39:43 PM
About 50% of my collection, I've had for a long time, mostly since I was a kid, or they're replacements of games I played and beat from back then.  At those points, I would sit and play a game pretty much as soon as I got it home, and usually had the time to play for hours on end.  So, that's why I say I have played and usually beaten about 50% or so of my collection.  Since I started collecting hardcore about 2 years ago, my main problems have been getting so many games at once, as well as, especially now with my new job's hours, finding time to play games at all, so that other 50% or so, like I said in my first post, have been tested but mostly not really played.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Slowman on September 27, 2014, 10:51:49 PM
I have beaten 25.2% of my games.  Realistically, games go in and out of my collection too quickly for me to ever reach 100% but it is something I keep in the back of my mind.  Anything I pick up, I intend to complete.  If I don't want to play it then I don't want it in my collection.  Some exceptions have been made for cool/weird game finds at an amazing price (like Maxi-15 for $2.99) or gifts from friends but this is maybe 5% of my collection at most.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: stillplayingnes on September 30, 2014, 08:20:28 AM
I'm nowhere near the volume collection wise most of the guys here are at.  I have just broken the 100 mark for the NES and Genesis.  So I'm at about 200 games.  They all get played.  Some I haven't touched for a few years but they get played, or I can see myself playing them.  That's a big thing for me.  This sounds weird but I could see myself playing Bases Loaded II on the NES more so than I could see myself playing Mario RPG on the SNES.  I get an enjoyment out of firing up the NES and playing even the crappy games.  Maybe it's because I grew up with it.  I had a collection of about 50 SNES games.  I wasn't playing it.  I sold it for a nice price.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: leej07 on October 13, 2014, 04:12:41 PM
I try to play all my games. Of course, I only have a little over 200, a lot of which have no "endings" per sé, so I can focus most of my efforts on the games I can "finish".

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Duke.Togo on October 13, 2014, 04:51:41 PM
[img width=450 height=360]http://d2ws0xxnnorfdo.cloudfront.net/meme/374650[/img]

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: bombatomba on October 13, 2014, 05:54:16 PM
Have played?  It could be said that I have played most of my games in my collection at some point.  Do I play (present tense)?  Sort of.  I only have a fraction of what the big players on this site have and I'm still surprised at times when I find a game.  The other day I was looking at prices of Star Voyager when i realized that I already own it.  Nuts.

Actually playing the games to their completion is another story altogether.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: calistarwind on November 09, 2014, 09:17:02 AM
After living most of my twenties and part of my thirties in the collect everything I even have a remote interest in, I have decided to trim my collection down a bit as well. Most of my games are RPG's and survival horror so there is a huge certainty I will never be able to play all my games let alone play all the games I want to actually play. I have been focusing a lot more on series I enjoy like Tales, Persona etc and then branching out to some of the single titles.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Ack on November 10, 2014, 09:55:00 AM
Slowly but surely.  If you consider only physical copies, I've beaten about half of my collection(I couldn't say how this changes with the addition of digital titles on GOG or Steam).  And my intention is to keep playing and beating my games while getting new ones.  It's actually been a lot of fun to try and play through new titles that I never would have given the time of day to a decade ago, or to really sink into games I was always told were awful, just to see what I really think of them.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: Barracuda on November 16, 2014, 09:23:34 AM
I was looking through my games last night and I figure that I have beaten around 50% of my collection. My great game purge really helped push that percentage up though.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: shaggy on November 18, 2014, 04:04:00 PM
Ha ha, you're funny.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: A8scooter on November 18, 2014, 10:54:40 PM
I think Im split as a gamer and a collector now. There are many systems and games I have that I play or have intentions of playing. Other items either I dont have games for them or the games arent that good or something rare to the  point I dont really want to mess with it too much.  With 63 systems and 1600+ games, there really isnt time to be bored. which is always a good thing. I like to think of my 1600 games Ive played about 200 or 300 of them. ( maybe not to completion but Ive sat and played them ).

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: gbpxl on December 21, 2014, 11:15:30 AM
Probably about half. I've mostly been playing Animal Crossing. One reason I don't play a lot of my older games is the lack of a save system. With a game like Little Nemo, for instance, I can only replay the first couple levels a certain amount of time before I give up. The 2nd level is too difficult for me.

Another that comes to mind is Metroid. I know it has the password but I don't like having to copy it down and try and find it every time I want to play.

Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: ae.tc on December 27, 2014, 09:24:37 PM
nope, too much volume-


Title: Re: Do you play all or most of the games in your collection?
Post by: NxCmp on December 27, 2014, 09:29:38 PM
I have too much myself, that's why I try and pick a console/PC and only play that for 1 month to try and get around to everything at least once.