RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: CatchFiveBats on September 30, 2005, 09:17:09 PM

Title: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: CatchFiveBats on September 30, 2005, 09:17:09 PM
I've got a buddy (he doesn't post here, but he has a long dead account) who posted this in his blog/journal/whatever space on Gamespot.  Enjoy...

I didn't want to do this, but it has to be done. I can't live around these brainwashed morons any longer without letting some of this out. I would much rather talk about the incredible masterpieces that are the Metal Gear Solid games, but i have already done plenty of that with a few of my friends upon beating MGS 3. Probably around 15 hours total we've talked about those games, presented questions about the future, reveled in Hideo Kojima's brilliance in being one of the few truly leading this industry into its true potential as ligitimate media, art, literature, and philosophy all in one. But it would be too long for a stupid journal post which no one reads anyway, so I think I'll talk about why the "godly" game of Halo is actually one of, if not the, dullest, most useless, idiotic, mindless, overrated, boring, anti-innovative, stupid pieces of trash this industry has dared put forth and taint itself by calling it a "video game", and that many unthinking bodies of the masses have dared to call the 'greatest game of all time.'

Halo 1. Let's take a look-see. Steal all of the simple, small additions that many a first-person shooter before have humbly integrated into their own games, put them all together into a storyline that's been done before hundreds of times before, create the shallowest, most boring video game character in ages as the main character, and smush it all together with a PC shooter control scheme for a console controller and launch it as the xbox launch title. How this sold, i have no idea. EGM was right when they said that the xbox would've tanked faster than the 3DO if Halo wasn't released at the start of the gargantuan system.

GAMEPLAY: If "intense action" truly describes this game, then leaning back in a recliner really slow must be like living out the best parts of Indiana Jones (I think I set that ratio up right...). I think it's soooooo boring because there are a total of five different enemies throughout the entire game. Grunt, Jackel, Elite, Hunter, Flood. You may get a little excited the very first time you meet one of the five enemy's in this game, but after you figure out how to beat them the first time, you just repeat the same tactics everytime you run into that enemy again throughout the rest of the game. "But there's different types of those enemies to deal with!" you may say, but what you would be referring to is the different colors of enemies. They change colors, and they get more health - that means they just take more shots to kill. That's the only difference. There's no bosses, so don't even worrying about having to think on your feet when encountered with a unexcpected obstacle to overcome. I was having a conversation with my friend on the phone while playing on heroic on the last two or three levels, and I was having no problem beating each of them. There was no thinking involved - my eyes saw one of the enemies, and my fingers already knew exactly what to do to beat them, so I just did it. No break in conversation, no exersion of the logic side of your brain. You go into a mission, and you already know exactly what you're going to be doing the entire rest of the mission - fighting the five enemies. WOAH SURSPRISE there may be multiple enemies to deal with, or maybe even a combination of fighting various types of the five AT THE SAME TIME. But nope, you're Master Chief, so just wax on wax off over and over again throughout the entire level until you see a loading screen for the next level. "I can't wait until I see what happens in this one!" HA.

GRAPHICS: The level designs are boring and repetitive (That means they look the same - and don't even get me started on The Library). The cut-scenes lack any sense of cinematic flair - they all involve basic angled shots of ships, Master Chief, or Cortana. The cut-scenes were even more boring than the gameplay (I'm sure a few of you agree with me, because CUTSCENES EQUAL ME NO KILLY MAKE BLOOD SHOOT AT BADGUY THINGS). I never felt at the edge of my seat when something important happened during a cutscene, mostly because the audio sucks alot during them. So I could hardly hear what they were saying over that damned theme-song in the background, and the visuals weren't in any way making up for the lack of audio. Also I guess the graphics during the game would be good if it's a near Mission: Impossible for a video game developer to make six to seven enemy designs (I say that number becuse the Flood had THREE types of designs. OOOHHH), four vehicles, three basic human designs, and interior environment, and an outside one. Judging from other games that came out before it, I'd say not.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: CatchFiveBats on September 30, 2005, 09:22:57 PM

STORY: Jesus. I just read the interview with Bungie in the lastest EGM after they made Halo 2, and many times they refer to themselves having to spread these games out over many installments because "of the grand story they have to tell." I haven't seen anything grand yet. Halo's story is as predictable and linear as a porno - you know what's going to happen throughout each of them. I was "sursprised?" when the Covenent actually were trying to fight the Flood instead of use them. The only surprise that came out of that was the fact that Bungie would try to use that story that's been done so many times before in anime's, Orsen Scott Card novels, and many Star Wars novels to drive this "masterpiece." But from the gameplay, it didn't seem that way, because the Coventent still attacked me before they dealt with the Flood. You knew by the third level that you were eventually going to be blowing up Halo, and it carried right on through with that. Also, the Master Chief is so boring and predictable. He is confronted with an obstacle, he blows it up. He sees his comrade, his captain, mutated by the Flood (which you saw coming a mile away - woah plot twist! don't make me laugh) and he smashes his face in. He needs to blow up the ship on the last level, and the first thing he thinks of is using big explodey-grenades. Everyone else on his team will die, and he comes up with the plan to get rid of the place without a second thought. I've found out talking to people, that when you think of a character, you end up talking about their motivations, they're desires, their faults, why they are doing what they do, and speculate on how they would handle an obstacle in their life. When you think of Snake from MGS, you talk about why he is still going through this, how his past has affected him, his deep relationships with those he's worked with on missions, why he questions being a soldier and a patriot and killing for the mission, and you can speculate on what the future hold in store for him based on his past. You think of Master Chief - and you're instantly thinking of the character model. That's it. Nothing else. You know what he will do, he will always carry out the mission and do what he's told without any question. That involves killing whatever the mission tells him to. But basically just the character model. Just the outside. That...is...so...boring....and shallow. He sucks as a character, so people rejoice in him by remembering him for his character model. Ask any hardcore Halo fan. Trust me.

MUSIC: Congratulations, Bungie. You came up with a theme. Be sure to USE IT AT ANY TIME POSSIBLE AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN TO THE POINT WHERE IT'S ANNOYING. (Also, make sure you use it alot in Halo 2, but make it more hardcore by making an electric guitar play it over and over again.) If you get bored with that theme, don't come up with any other ones, just use cliched, quiet, string and orchestral accomponied ambiance to create tension that isn't really there. Then release a soundtrack and sell it to the morons. They'll think its all different. Oh? You've already done this. Good work. Keep it up Bungie.

ENEMY/ALLY A.I.: Since everyone was nutting themselves over this part of the game, I decided to make it a section. The enemy's A.I. was basic. If you are not close to them, they dodge back and forth (sometimes that leads them behind cover) and shoot at you. If you are close, they close range attack you (except for Grunts and Jackels, they just run when you get close.) The ally A.I. was basic as well. Shoot at enemies. If they get close, back up and shoot. If Master Chief gets into a vehicle, and there is an open spot on it, get into it until the spots are full. Not hard stuff here people.

TOTAL SCORE: 0/10. I almost gave it a one out of ten for the build up to actually seeing the Flood, but they completely ruined the suspense that they were building up during that whole first part of the level. It was like, what's going on? Then it was like, oh, they were just trying to bring in a new enemy later than the rest of them. And there they are, it's the Flood - they crawl toward you, instead of walk in groups. Wait, yeah, they do walk in groups, but I kill them the same as the Covenent. That was bad Bungie. And I give Halo 2 a -5/10 becuase after playing it for an hour, hoping that Bungie might redeem themselves, I just got sick of it cause it was the same thing. And then I read the article in EGM, and Bungie said that they were going to change alot of things, but decided against it because they wouldn't want to lose sales. They would rather just put out another version of Halo so they could get filthy fucking rich all over again. I'm paraphrasing, but check out that EGM article or 1UP.com to see what I mean, and how I'm not too far off. Congratulations Bungie. You have killed the chance for any up-and-coming U.S. development studios and production teams to even compete and get their own pieces of work out into the public. You've shaped the industry into casual gamers as the overwhelming majority, and now they dictate what sells and what doesn't. Games for gamers can't appeal to just gamers anymore, because they won't sell, unless they have a big production team behind them that support the choice to make games that don't appeal to everyone - like Nintendo, , or Namco, or Capcom, or Konami, or SquareEnix. Anyone else will go unnoticed. Fuck you Bungie.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 01, 2005, 07:39:08 AM


OK , I know there are alot of Halo fanboys out there and alot of "haters" out there , but ths takes the cake.

0 out of 10 ?  :laugh: Whatever  ::)

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Sureshot on October 01, 2005, 08:06:39 AM
I think Halo sucks, as I ranted about in a previous post.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: TraderJake on October 01, 2005, 08:24:53 AM
That's some serious Halo hating.

For the opposite side of the spectrum and for some true Halo loving, be sure to read Deathknight69's review of Halo 2.


:laugh: :laugh:

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Izret101 on October 01, 2005, 12:19:29 PM

Personally i like the game but i have also gtrown tired of it.
I wouldn't have ever given it a 10 but i see no way possible it could get a 0 either.

People are stupid.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 01, 2005, 02:11:54 PM
I like the bith Halo's. I like the story better in Halo 2 but the game play better in Halo 1. The levels are just too long in Halo 2.

Is it the greastest game ever? Hell no! Was it marketed great? Yes! Does it have good controls for a console FPS? Yes.

Is MGS the greatest series of all time? No.

Let me guess your friend hates Microsoft?

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: nupoile on October 01, 2005, 02:25:41 PM
I don't know what to say, 0 out of 10? Thats ridiculous. Even if you don't care for the game at all, giving it a zero is quite a discredit to a persons critiquing skills. I have played the first Halo alot, I meen ALOT. I won't go into the whole "fanboy" thing but come on, the game looked decient, wasn't buggy and the controls were really good for a console game. You would think that would be worth something.

But what are you going to do? :)

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: CatchFiveBats on October 01, 2005, 08:59:15 PM
Yeah, my friend totally hates Microsoft, and although I don't exactly think it deserves a 0 out of 10, I believe that he makes a good point.  I'm pretty sure that the main reason he gave it that score was because by the the end of writing the article, he was so pissed off that he just gave it the lowest score he possibly could just to spite all the fanboys out there.  The main reason I posted the article wasn't because of the score he gave it, but because of what he says about the game's impact on the industry.  As to what will actually happen, only time will tell.


Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 02, 2005, 06:06:26 AM
Yeah, my friend totally hates Microsoft - CFB

Lordy , lord....Microsoft is totally evil and never puts out anything good. (seriously , thats what it sounds like)


 The main reason I posted the article wasn't because of the score he gave it, but because of what he says about the game's impact on the industry.  As to what will actually happen, only time will tell.


Industry ? Just sounded like Halo / Bungie / Microsoft bashing to me  ???  On a 1 - 10 scale , what would any of you give Halo 2 ?

I honestly would give it an 8 , pushing a 9.
Graphics are great
Gameplay / control is superb
Story is pretty good

So Bungie made a game that makes money and they know how to "pimp" thier product to do so..... Oh no , I hate them  ::) Seriously , any game developer would do the same if they could.

Look , Doom has a movie coming out.....

Every game out there now has a music soundtrack :o And Bungie is given 40 lashes by your buddy for this  :-/

Dont get me wrong though , your friends little article was a funny read though ;)  The writing was good....  :P

Hell , I dont think I could write something that long anymore :laugh:

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 02, 2005, 06:53:32 AM
Your friend did make some good points in your first post. I didnt actually read he review becuase I thought your friend was a dumb ass after the first post.

Like I said it isnt the greatest game of all time but a 0-10 just makes you look dumb.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Vladimir on October 02, 2005, 07:35:19 AM
Andy is my hero.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 02, 2005, 07:47:08 AM
He also neglects to mention anything regarding multiplayer apects of both games, which is where a lot of the fun is!

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: CatchFiveBats on October 02, 2005, 10:17:47 AM
Andy is my hero.

Mine too.  And the person who posted this (Andy) hates Halo for the same reason Vlad and I do.  It's ruining everything we love about the gaming industry.  The only reason gamers like us still have games that we like to play is because of firmly rooted companies like Nintendo, Konami, Capcom, etc.   Any new, up-and-coming companies with great ideas that are trying to change the industry for the better won't be able to because of the monster games and companies that everybody and their mom is like "OMFG THIS IS THE GREATEST GAME EVER MADE I WILL NEVER BUY ANY OF THOSE OTHER CRAPPY GAMES BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT HALO."  And although I'm sure that no one on this site is like that, there are a LOT of people that are.  And the problem with the "industry giants" like Microsoft that are just trying to make money on video games as a side project (Because seriously, what's it going to hurt them if their games don't succeed?  They've got their foot in a ton of other industries that they can get rich off of.) is that, at the rate things are moving, they're going to take down all the gaming companies that are only in gaming because their sales will suck so bad.  Sega is a good example of this (The Dreamcast is an incredible system that was doing great until the release of the PS2.), and Nintendo will be too if the industry keeps moving in the direction that it is right now.

I would prefer to still be able to play the same kind of fun, innovative games on the same kind of durable, quality systems that I've been playing them on since the early 90's until the day I die, but I won't be able to if companies like Microsoft are running the game industry.


Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 02, 2005, 10:18:13 AM
He also neglects to mention anything regarding multiplayer apects of both games, which is where a lot of the fun is!

Agreed , but thats true of alot of FPS games too  ;)

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on October 02, 2005, 12:21:35 PM
I'm with you and yours Catchfive. Halo is an entertaining FPS. But every FPS is an entertaining FPS. I personally would rather play Americas Army on my comp.

I think Microsoft bought good reviews and Game of Year awards. Compared to GTA: San An or MGS 3, Halo is a punitive ball of pixels.

P.S. I think Bungie should just scrap Halo and make more Myth games. Now those were cool.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Sureshot on October 02, 2005, 01:40:56 PM
Halo is a pitiful FPS compared to some of the stuff you get on the PC (and yes, I know you can get it on the PC too). Console controllers don't really work for FPSes in general. Yeah Goldeneye did alright with the N64 controller, but its functionality was a bit limited at the end of the day. A fully customisable mouse & keyboard is where it's at.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Izret101 on October 02, 2005, 01:52:52 PM
Yea you can't beat WASDing (Wh-Ass-Duh-ing) in a FPS.
(And yes i actually do pronounce the leters when i say that in real life ;))
There is a keyboard for Xbox i haven't used it but i hear it still pales in comparison to a "real" mouse and keyboard combo

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: s1lence on October 02, 2005, 06:19:44 PM
Wow, that was just amazing.  :-/

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 02, 2005, 06:47:31 PM
Halo is a pitiful FPS compared to some of the stuff you get on the PC (and yes, I know you can get it on the PC too). Console controllers don't really work for FPSes in general. Yeah Goldeneye did alright with the N64 controller, but its functionality was a bit limited at the end of the day. A fully customisable mouse & keyboard is where it's at.

Comparing P.C. to Console games is like comparing apples to oranges. P.C. games should win hands down.

Still , the controls are prettyy good for Halo 2 on the Xbox ....IMO

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: NDiddy on October 02, 2005, 09:47:23 PM
Yea you can't beat WASDing (Wh-Ass-Duh-ing) in a FPS.
(And yes i actually do pronounce the leters when i say that in real life ;))
There is a keyboard for Xbox i haven't used it but i hear it still pales in comparison to a "real" mouse and keyboard combo

lol I love it when people mention wasd anything it was the name of my first gaming clan.

On the subject now why do people have to hate on games just cause there big? Halo and grand theft auto always seem to attract the haters. Heres why I think halo deserves the praise it gets.  Halo may not bring anything new to the table but it makes up for it in its awesome presentation and its just fun play a few multiplayer matches just a few and tell me its not fun at all I dare ya. Most first person shooters dont bring anything new to the table this whole genre can be summed up in one word complacency. Some of the games that do try somethin g different Red Faction and geist suck horribly but you would tell me they are better games then halo because they were a little more innovative?

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 03, 2005, 04:59:15 AM
For the record, imo Halo 2 is a BLAST! I've played offline with 4 players on one box and it's a ton of fun. We've even had system link games on several occasions.

I've never really been into FPS games. I even stayed away from Halo 1 for the longest time because of that. But I couldn't (and wouldn't) criticize a game that I've never played just because of my personal preference.

So when H2 was about to be released, I decided to trade in Fable + $5 and reserve my copy. After playing H2, and all the fun I've been having with the game offline and online, I can honestly say that it's a really good game!

Sure, the story mode has it's drawbacks. And yes, I would've liked to be able to play offline multiplayer with bots. And yes, the sword is often too dominating in multiplayer. But for overall enjoyment, this game is very well made, controls very well, with solid graphics and sound, and I would give it a 9 out of 10.

As far as the PC vs. Console argument goes, PCs will always have higher technological capabilities than consoles, but that doesn't mean that Console games should be discredited for that inherent difference.

I have both a PC and Consoles, but have 0 interest in playing anything but Pogo on my PC. My PC is also 5 years old, and I don't like having to pay $1500 every 3 or 4 years just to have the hardware capability to play the latest and greatest PC games. And don't get me started on MMORPG subscription rates!

All in all Halo1 was a very good game to kickoff the system launch (2001). Halo2 is a great game that came out at the right time to expand on the XBox Live franchise, the Halo1 fan base, and bring non-FPS fans (speaking for myself) into the genre.

Last comments: 1. If Sega Dreamcast became overshadowed by PS2, and no one else stepped up to compete with Sony, wouldn't we be stuck with whatever Sony would try to force down our throats as far as quality games? 2. Innovation is something that will always exist, but is hard to find. And when it is found, it is instantly copied by everyone else that didn't think of it first to the point that it becomes the mainstream until such time that the next innovation is discovered.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 03, 2005, 05:21:06 AM
If anything , I will say this. The comments made by your friend sure has sparked a great topic of conversation.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 03, 2005, 05:54:33 AM
If anything , I will say this. The comments made by your friend sure has sparked a great topic of conversation.

True, Cap.

But what I don't like is the fact that he's hiding behind C5B instead of coming on the boards himself.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 03, 2005, 06:23:41 AM

True, Cap.

But what I don't like is the fact that he's hiding behind C5B instead of coming on the boards himself.

Thats ok because he sounds pretty close minded on the issue. (at least thats what I get from his article)

But oh well. People can be fanboys and "anti" fanboys all they want. It sure wont effect what I like and play  ;)

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 03, 2005, 07:02:30 AM

People can be fanboys and "anit" fanboys all they want. It sure wont effect what I like and play  ;)

Well said. Ditto.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 03, 2005, 07:26:48 AM

Mine too.  And the person who posted this (Andy) hates Halo for the same reason Vlad and I do.  It's ruining everything we love about the gaming industry.  The only reason gamers like us still have games that we like to play is because of firmly rooted companies like Nintendo, Konami, Capcom, etc.   Any new, up-and-coming companies with great ideas that are trying to change the industry for the better won't be able to because of the monster games and companies that everybody and their mom is like "OMFG THIS IS THE GREATEST GAME EVER MADE I WILL NEVER BUY ANY OF THOSE OTHER CRAPPY GAMES BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT HALO."  And although I'm sure that no one on this site is like that, there are a LOT of people that are.  And the problem with the "industry giants" like Microsoft that are just trying to make money on video games as a side project (Because seriously, what's it going to hurt them if their games don't succeed?  They've got their foot in a ton of other industries that they can get rich off of.) is that, at the rate things are moving, they're going to take down all the gaming companies that are only in gaming because their sales will suck so bad.  Sega is a good example of this (The Dreamcast is an incredible system that was doing great until the release of the PS2.), and Nintendo will be too if the industry keeps moving in the direction that it is right now.

I would prefer to still be able to play the same kind of fun, innovative games on the same kind of durable, quality systems that I've been playing them on since the early 90's until the day I die, but I won't be able to if companies like Microsoft are running the game industry.


"The sky is falling" ?

Seriously , I think you are over dramatizing a bit.
Maybe we should get a list of what games sold how many units the past few years somehow and determine the truth here ?

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 03, 2005, 07:34:45 AM
And the problem with the "industry giants" like Microsoft that are just trying to make money on video games as a side project (Because seriously, what's it going to hurt them if their games don't succeed?  They've got their foot in a ton of other industries that they can get rich off of.)


And in your statement, we can also insert "Sony" in place of Microsoft, can't we?

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 03, 2005, 07:41:56 AM
Of course I am not trying to "pile" on to Cathfivebats here. Just I am not a fan of hating on a product just because it has made it big time.

Just reminds me of people who hate bands who "have gone main stream". OMG !!!111!!! They sold out because they are making money now !!!!

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 03, 2005, 09:18:53 AM
Metallica sold out and they suck for the most part now.  |D

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Sureshot on October 03, 2005, 09:48:16 AM
<SRG> Metallica sold out in 45 mins :/
<NotOneOfUs> Yeah I know.
<NotOneOfUs> Oh wait
<NotOneOfUs> You mean, like, a concert?
<SRG> yes


Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 03, 2005, 09:50:16 AM

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 03, 2005, 10:00:20 AM
Metallica sold out and they suck for the most part now.  |D

While this is true , now at least they suck and are super rich...

Driving gold plated lamborghini's living in huge mansions with philipino house boys  (www.campchaos.com)


Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Sureshot on October 03, 2005, 10:06:30 AM
Hehe, I got those Campchaos cartoons the first time around, still love them.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: CatchFiveBats on October 03, 2005, 10:11:05 AM
But I couldn't (and wouldn't) criticize a game that I've never played just because of my personal preference.

I never liked Halo that much even after I played it, and the same goes for Halo 2, so I'm not just saying this based upon a completely blind bias.  The same goes for my friend.

And in your statement, we can also insert "Sony" in place of Microsoft, can't we?

Indeed we can.  The same person who wrote this article wrote one about his experience with the PSP which I will probably be posting sometime soon.

Of course I am not trying to "pile" on to Cathfivebats here.

I know you're not trying to gang up on me or anything.  This is (technically) a debate, and if someone disagrees with me, he has the right to say so.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 03, 2005, 11:41:54 AM
person who wrote this article wrote one about his experience with the PSP which I will probably be posting sometime soon.

Why doesnt  he post it?

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: CatchFiveBats on October 03, 2005, 12:33:16 PM
He doesn't "do" forums.  He's just not a big internet community kinda guy, I guess.  I've tried to get him on here several times, but he refuses to post, so I'm doing it for him.


Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 03, 2005, 12:55:57 PM
He doesn't "do" forums.  He's just not a big internet community kinda guy, I guess.  I've tried to get him on here several times, but he refuses to post, so I'm doing it for him.



No offense CFB.... But I honeslty think I would have to avoid discussions with this guy if he were on rfg , dp or hardcore.... :-/ Fanboyism is a major pet peeve (sp?) of mine.

What I want to know is what would you rate the game ? Have you played it enough to give it a fair shake ? You cant compare this to a P.C. FPS game though  ;)

Like I said before.... I would give it an 8.5 out of 10 (pushing a 9 mind you)

The graphics are / were great for a console game.

The controls are pretty damn good for a console game

The story is just fine thank you. They even sold books explaining stuff and the books sold well.

Online play is pretty freaking sweet for a console game as well.  (minus the cheaters)

And the music is actually nice.

These are my opinions   ;)

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Izret101 on October 03, 2005, 02:38:43 PM
Well since everyone has voiced there opinions on Halo game series and more specifically Halo 2 this time why not just lock this bad boy up.

I can't see just letting everyone banter back and forth about it.

There are always going to be people who hate Halo just because and there are always going to be fanboys.

I'm just so god damn sick of the banter.
Halo 2 was actually a good game.
Overrated yes.

Sold millions
Appealed to the masses yes again.

You hate the game get over it.

And BTW CFB your friend is a damn idiot.
I haven't botheered to all this garbage so i don't know if anyone else has said it so blutnly but to rate a game of that calibur a 0 out of 10 is fucking retarded.

I give FF7 a 0 out of 10 because it was sooo overated and clearly was not the best FF game made. O yea and i don't really like RPGs too. Same goes for FFX.
Gamecube sucks because it is a kids system. All it has is baby games
Xbox is gey because it is huge and has all stupid shitty games.
Ps2 is teh awesome because SOCOM pwnzors.

I hate everyone who makes all encompassing moronic comments similair to the ones i posted above.
If you actually haven't given the game a remotely fair chance or hate it just because of the company that makes it or because it is massively popular or whatever else just STFU about it and post about some game or system or series or whatever that you actually do lik or could atleast give a fair opinion about.

Probably a shitty rant. I hate doing them. But whatever

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 03, 2005, 03:12:19 PM
I hate Sony !!!!

Bt not because they are #1

Because they make shit that breaks all the time. How many PS2's have you heard about breaking?

PLus during the holidays when Nintendo and Microsof where doing bundle deals sSony was FU costumer.

Also all their home electronics stuff is WAY over priced.


Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 03, 2005, 04:59:30 PM
I dont think I have seen a thread turn bad over here  ???

True alot of it does seem like banter....

And the thread is based on fanboyism.....

Lock it if you want to.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: CatchFiveBats on October 03, 2005, 06:20:51 PM
Yeah, go ahead and lock it before this gets any worse if you feel like it.  I apologize for this...I'll keep my Halo-hater ways out of this site.  Also, I would probably give the game, based entirely on gameplay, around a 5 or 6 out of 10.  I find the single-player to be pretty boring, and the multiplayer to be fun for a while if I'm playing with the right people.  Just not really my kind of game, I guess.


Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 03, 2005, 06:23:16 PM
Yeah, go ahead and lock it before this gets any worse if you feel like it.  I apologize for this...I'll keep my Halo-hater ways out of this site.  Also, I would probably give the game, based entirely on gameplay, around a 5 or 6 out of 10.  I find the single-player to be pretty boring, and the multiplayer to be fun for a while if I'm playing with the right people.  Just not really my kind of game, I guess.


I dont think people care that you don't like Halo at all. I know I don't. It was the "review" of 0 out of 10 that made people think it was stupid.

I don't really liek fighting games but I wouldn't give a review of Street Fighter 2 a 0 out of 10 because I don't like fighting games.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Izret101 on October 04, 2005, 10:16:56 AM
Tynstar hit the nail right on the head.

Thats exactly what i meant.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: CatchFiveBats on October 04, 2005, 11:26:28 AM
I dont think people care that you don't like Halo at all. I know I don't. It was the "review" of 0 out of 10 that made people think it was stupid.

But that's not the point of the article at all...  Even the guy who wrote it told me that score was ridiculous.  As a matter of fact, just ignore the score completely.  The point of the article was to show why Halo isn't nearly as good as everybody says it is.  Like I said in an earlier post, he "gave" it that score because by the time he finished writing the article, he was so pissed off about it that he gave the game a 0 out of 10 just to spite the fanboys.  This wasn't meant to be a literal review of the game, just an article stating his opinion.

Lordy , lord....Microsoft is totally evil and never puts out anything good. (seriously , thats what it sounds like)

That's because that is what he's saying.  I can honestly say that nothing Microsoft has put out has interested me in the slightest.  

I have 4 games for my Xbox:
Dai Senryaku VII: Modern Military Tactics
The Elder Scrolls IV: Morrowind
Metal Slug 3
Sid Meier's Pirates!

Note that none of these games were published or developed in any way by Microsoft.  (As a matter of fact, I can't think of any Xbox games that Microsoft has been directly involved in the publishing/development of.  Sounds to me like they're just using the 'box to make more money.  What a shocker that is.)  These are more than likely the only games I will ever buy for my Xbox.  As for Xbox 360, there is one game in the whole starting line-up that interests me:  The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

I hope and pray that the Revolution will open people's eyes to what gaming should be like, but since the 360 pre-orders are already sold out (or, at least, that's what I've heard), things are looking pretty bleak for me and my kind.

Damn you, Microsoft...


Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 04, 2005, 12:47:26 PM
Nice new avatar.   :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I think the XBox has a lot of good games.

Do you hate Sony as much as you do Microsoft? They are both guilty of teh same things.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 04, 2005, 01:06:36 PM

Damn you Microsoft for making a system that actually had everything it promised. Damn you Microsft for bringing online gameing to the console (big time)

Look , the Xbox can be a great system. But thats not what this thread was supposed to be about.... ?

Was it  ???

And damn you Microsoft for bringing me back into a thread I no longer felt I wanted to post in  :pissed:

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: CatchFiveBats on October 04, 2005, 01:19:18 PM
Do you hate Sony as much as you do Microsoft? They are both guilty of teh same things.

Yeah, they are, but PS2 has a lot of great games that Xbox doesn't have.  I.E. Kingdom Hearts, R-Type Final, all the Guncon 2 games, lots of traditional/strategy RPG's, etc.  Of course, Sony made the PSP, which is a shoddily made piece of crap with only a couple good (IMO) games.  I will never be getting a PSP unless they release a new, more durable model and a lot more games that don't suck.  Then again, the part about the games is just a matter of opinion.


Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: phoenix1967 on October 04, 2005, 02:51:49 PM
 Then again, the part about the games is just a matter of opinion.


So then why the avatar change? If it's truly a matter of opinion, then you shouldn't be so biased, right?

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 04, 2005, 02:57:19 PM

Yeah, they are, but PS2 has a lot of great games that Xbox doesn't have.  I.E. Kingdom Hearts, R-Type Final, all the Guncon 2 games, lots of traditional/strategy RPG's, etc.  Of course, Sony made the PSP, which is a shoddily made piece of crap with only a couple good (IMO) games.  I will never be getting a PSP unless they release a new, more durable model and a lot more games that don't suck.  Then again, the part about the games is just a matter of opinion.


But arent you going on about inovation? How is a tradition RPG inovative? R-Type? Isnt that just a shooter?

As for as I am concerned both system have good games that you can't get on the other system. Hell that goes for all three current gen systems.

Nintendo - Zelda and Mario
PS2 - Crap load of RPG's
X-Box - Ninja Gaiden, Halo, Forza

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 04, 2005, 02:58:02 PM

Damn you Microsoft for making a system that actually had everything it promised. Damn you Microsft for bringing online gameing to the console (big time)

Look , the Xbox can be a great system. But thats not what this thread was supposed to be about.... ?

Was it  ???

And damn you Microsoft for bringing me back into a thread I no longer felt I wanted to post in  :pissed:

What are you so pissed? Nothing is personal until now you JACK ASS!!!!!  ;)

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 04, 2005, 03:17:10 PM

What are you so pissed? Nothing is personal until now you JACK ASS!!!!!  ;)

Ah... you sense my sarcasm so well young grass hopper  :P

I blame it on the Xbox. It wieghs so much that the earth has been thrown off its axis causing me to act like this  ;)

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Izret101 on October 04, 2005, 03:26:59 PM
Opinion - 2 a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge

I have said this MANY MANY times befor.
its not about the CONSOLES it is about the GAMES!
(nearly)Every console has some games that are good. No matter how few.

What in the hell does it accomplish to bash the console but then say you like some of the games on it.
Or bash a console you actualy have never played or have played very little?
Or bash a console simply because of the company producing it?

You say the PSP games suck but how many of them have you ACTUALLY PLAYED!?!?
I have ever even used a PSP or are you ju8st saying it sucks because you read about it sucking?

Personally i think the Xbox has done a DAMN good job. It is Microsofts first attempt at a gaming console and they wiped out an old timer and held steady with another giant.

From the launch Xbox was criticized for having shitty games, all sports titles, huge controller, huge systems, etc.
Since the titles have become more diverse it is now crapped on for having alot of M rated games and Halo being overrated and fanboys and blah freaking blah

Honestly CFB you know i don't dislike you infact we frequently have talked on AIM but your really starting to sound like an ass.

As for PS2 having lots of great games Xbox doesn't
PS2 has more than 2x as many games out for it as Xbox does.
Also i am prety sure there is at least 1 xbox game that uses a gun

Why don't you hate GCN for having so few good games?
Or just having so few games in general?
What about it having hardly any Gun games and non that even use a Gun(that i know of)
Or it having no "traditional" rpgs (that i can thnk of... again)?

And not having Kingdom Hearts or R-Type Final?

And every company is in buisness to make money(what a shocker!!!)
There is no buisness out there for charity.
hen you find out sony or nintendo is seling these consols and games and giving the money all away please let me know. I would love to see how long the company stayed alive.

And as for money making Nintendo is the worst by a long shot with all there shitty and mostly useless peripherals you NEED for one game that chances are will be poorly integrated.
Sony isn't as bad.

If anything you would know MS is the stupidest because they have been taking in NET LOSSES on the Xbox.
And they had integrated the harddrive and ethernet. Unlike Sony and Nintendo that sold them seperately for 20-30$ for memory cards and 50$+ for broadband and 100$ for the PS2 harddrive.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: PDorr3 on October 04, 2005, 04:43:25 PM
I basicaly agree with everything he says. Face it, halo is overrated, the only reason I think it is so popular because it was the only GOOD launch game the system had, and it created a large fanboy user base.

Halo by no means deserves a 0...thats just ridiculous. If I were reviewing it I would give it about a 7. Its an average shooter, nothing I have never seen before. Its just way overrated...seriously...

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: CatchFiveBats on October 04, 2005, 06:14:27 PM
Why don't you hate GCN for having so few good games?

Because it doesn't have "so few good games."  I happen to think that, in terms of the ratio of good to bad, GCN's library is the best by far.  But once again, it's a matter of opinion.  Everything I've said is a matter of opinion, so please don't take it so personally.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and I am of the opinion that Microsoft is not that great of a company.  If you think Nintendo sucks or you think Sega sucks or you think Sony sucks or whatever, you still have the right to state and defend your opinion, which is what we've been doing this whole time.  Never have I made a personal attack on any of you.  Now, if you think that an attack on Microsoft is an attack on you, that's your problem, but that is not what I intended this to be.  It's fine that you disagree with me, but that still doesn't give you the right to call me an "ass."

If I offended anyone (which I'm pretty sure I did), I want to apologize and let you all know that I did not intend for this to happen.  If someone who has the ability to lock this thread wishes to do so, go for it.  It's just creating problems now...


Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: TraderJake on October 04, 2005, 06:29:08 PM
Opinion - 2 a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge

Why don't you hate GCN for having so few good games?
Or just having so few games in general?
What about it having hardly any Gun games and non that even use a Gun(that i know of)
Or it having no "traditional" rpgs (that i can thnk of... again)?

Please, the Gamecube has so few good games? What the hell have I bought with my money? Crap? Oh nooos, I guess I should sell Metroid, Animal Crossing, Viewtiful Joe, Zelda, Super Smash Bros,  Donkey Konga, etc., and I should convince my brother to rid our abode of Resident Evil 4, Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos as well.

I know you were trying to refute something but it sure is fun to attack this statement. I think I will leave it alone, as the comment is an opinion, and we are all entitled to one.

As for Halo, not a big fan of First Person Shooters. Personally I spend my time rolling katamaris, making citys, or beating drums. It may be a good game, but is it truly innovative? No, I would think that it is not. Not everything can be a GoldenEye.  :shrug:

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 04, 2005, 07:29:16 PM

Halo by no means deserves a 0...thats just ridiculous. If I were reviewing it I would give it about a 7. Its an average shooter, nothing I have never seen before. Its just way overrated...seriously...

Is that a 1-14 scale? 1-10 scale 5 would be average  ;) ;)

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Tynstar on October 04, 2005, 07:32:03 PM
Sega sucks

hey hey hey watch that kind of talk boy.  ;)

Cap and Iz you two calm down.

Hey lets all see "Why can't we be friends"

I love you guys!  :'(

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: CatchFiveBats on October 04, 2005, 07:40:09 PM
hey hey hey watch that kind of talk boy.  ;)

Hey, now, that was just an example.  Completely impossible, but an example nonetheless. ;)

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: captain_nintendo on October 04, 2005, 11:11:33 PM
CFB , you did not offend me. Its just I thought your thinking on the Xbox is a little close minded because you hate Microsoft.

You still rock though  ;)

Just thought I would point out that the Xbox is easy to mod , is great for emulation and such and can do a ton of other great things  :D

Also , I am pretty sure nobody hates you  :P
You expressed your opinion...Thats all.

People are free to agree or disagree with it.  ;)

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on October 05, 2005, 12:07:59 PM
I disagree because Microsoft made Windows XP and I heard an X-box blew up once.

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: Izret101 on October 06, 2005, 03:28:03 PM
I am on the same view as Cap'n.
Which honestly isn't something i can say very often.
Because i have called him alot worse things than an ass :-P

But i just can't for the life of me understand why you defended the review of the game and then said that the score out of 10 that it was given was arbitrary and did not matter.

In anycase Xbox does not suck it is IMO one of the first decent things M$ has done in awhile.
As fior the PC scene i can't would agree with M$ being the suxxorzzz ;)

And i agree with Scott on calming down with Sega sucks talk.
Unless of course you are making referance to Billy Hatcher (to be fair i have yet to play it)

Title: Re: For all you Halo fans out there...
Post by: den68 on October 07, 2005, 10:17:25 AM
personally I'd like to thank CFB for posting his friends review. seeing you guys get all fired up has been rather entertaining.

I don't have any particular devotion to any console or company. There are things I like and dislike about each one and the games for them. To me they are all just video games. NintendoSonyMicrosoftSegaAtariMattelColeco... whatever. it's all good stuff to me.

back to the original post, the rating and ranting aside there were some things I agreed with. his point about the audio was one. I thought it was just my TV but it is difficult to hear the speech over the background music.

story? yeah it's a little thin. maybe I'm just not paying attention but I've finished Halo and am near done on Halo2 and I couldn't tell you what the hell the story is.

I really just got it for the multiplayer. I don't have Xbox live but it's a blast getting the guys together and blowing each other up.

carry on.