RF Generation Message Board

Gaming => Video Game Generation => Topic started by: wrldstrman on October 05, 2005, 08:50:06 PM

Title: MOMS
Post by: wrldstrman on October 05, 2005, 08:50:06 PM
Kind of taking Sauza12  thread about the great find his mom found..who all had moms that through out all your old stuff and whos kept things...My mom kept nothing .i just sit and cry (not really) when I think of all the toys and games i had when i was younger..of course i was in high school when the atari 2600 came out..but man i had tons of gi joe stuff boxes of matchbox cars,big jim,all the hardy boy books,,then of course my atari ended up going in a yard sale.. i actually found a old picture of my high score on laser blast that i meant to send in for the patch..guess she didnt get everything.

Title: Re: MOMS
Post by: den68 on October 06, 2005, 05:01:23 AM
I was lucky, my mom kept everything. when I bought my house I took the NES and Genesis with me. when I got into collecting a few years ago I went back and got the Atari 2600, C-64, VIC-20 and all my old Mattel and Coleco handhelds.

Title: Re: MOMS
Post by: CatchFiveBats on October 06, 2005, 09:07:53 AM
I've always pretty much had free reign on all the games in the house.  Never once have I had a problem with my parents taking my games or selling them or anything of the sort, mainly because they know how much they mean to me, but also because I'm still living with them.

On the other hand, I know somebody (a Junior in high school) whose mom will throw away anything and everything she can when she gets the chance.  He usually keeps his door locked when he's not home, but that doesn't always keep her out.  One time she threw away his Genesis and all of his games.  Talk about crazy...


Title: Re: MOMS
Post by: bum-man on October 06, 2005, 10:18:38 AM
Luckily my Mom didn't throw stuff out either, that's why I still have my original 2600 Heavy 6er in the box, with a bunch of the original games with the numbers on the top label and their boxes that open like a book.  I did more damage to myself, I got my ColecoVision when I was living in my first apartment and did have room to store any of the boxes so they all went in the trash.  Then I did the same thing with the 7800 stuff I picked up at Big Lots during the closeout frenzy.

But my favorite story is that my brother went and sold all of his comic books (he had lots of 1st issues) when he was a senior in high school so he could take out a girl and impress her.  She ended up dumping him about a week after they went out!!  If he had those now he could probably retire.

Title: Re: MOMS
Post by: johno590 on October 06, 2005, 10:59:29 AM
My parents always let me keep or do whatever I wanted with my video games, although I sold most of them...  One thing my mom doesn't do is look for video games for me, lol :(

My dad does keep an eye out for games or anything that I might be interested in.

Title: Re: MOMS
Post by: den68 on October 06, 2005, 12:54:35 PM
when my family moved the summer between 4th and fifth grade for me my parents had a garage sale. I wanted to contribute so I sold all my comic books. I don't remember all that I had, all DC though. mostly Batman, Superman and Justice League. I do remember I used a black marker to write 5 cents on the cover of every one.

whoever has them probably hasn't made any money off them. I'm kind of glad they got bought. If I still had them I'd be kicking myself and saying "why, why why?" everytime I saw that black marker.

Title: Re: MOMS
Post by: bum-man on October 06, 2005, 01:07:34 PM
I am sure my brother would have forgotten his comics long ago, if I wasn't around to remind him that is  >:-)

That's what little brothers are for.

Title: Re: MOMS
Post by: Izret101 on October 06, 2005, 03:36:20 PM
My mom sold my Genesis stuff for 20 bucks.
Poor Toe Jam and Earl :'(

My mom sometimes picks me up stuff now but most of the time she just lets me know she saw stuff. for X$ or even .XX$
Things like a gamegear and a dozen games for 10 bucks
or a GBA for 10$ and games for 3$

But she isn't too bad anymore...

Title: Re: MOMS
Post by: Speedy_NES on October 06, 2005, 05:22:46 PM
My mom is pretty much as anti-gaming as one can be, but she luckily always left that domain up to my dad, who happens to usually adapt to what me and my brothers are interested in :)  My parents always let us choose our own games, and to keep it fair we mostly each had our own consoles rather than having to share any so they just remained in our possession ever since....and since I live with my two brothers, we still have all of our consoles and games under one roof, but unfortunately mostly just collecting dust ;)

My parents (especially my mom) don't really check for video game stuff for me, at least not for my collection...my dad does check for some video game stuff, but only for current gen 4-player games for when me n my brothers go visit them :)  He did buy an old Amiga 500 not too long ago, though, to bring back some old memories...

But on a side note, my parents are vital to my collecting habits, as I ship everything I buy in Germany to their address...which happens to be quite a lot (prices on German eBay are cheaper than on Dutch or Belgian eBays)....I also don't have a German bank account, so whenever I can't pay with PayPal I've had my parents transfer the funds for me ;)


Title: Re: MOMS
Post by: Tynstar on October 07, 2005, 09:46:00 AM
Even as a kid I collected stuff so my mom didnt throw anything away.