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Other => Idle Chatter => Topic started by: captain_nintendo on December 27, 2006, 11:48:32 AM

Title: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: captain_nintendo on December 27, 2006, 11:48:32 AM
My car was broken into a few nights ago (night of the 23, but did not know until morning of 24) And my Pioneer CD player / radio was stolen. :grrr:

That was the bad news.... Fortunately for me, they got into my trunk and skipped over my son's hockey gear and sticks. They also left my goalie leg pad back there as well.... I had 1 in the trunk because I had taken it to the hockey shop for a minor repair.

The Pioneer cost me about 350 dollars about 5 years ago. The replacement cost of all that hockey gear would have been around 700 - 800 dollars. I did have to repair the drivers side window frame, which they had pulled away from the door frame. But that was simple, and now I feel the frame is stronger than ever.

I also decided that I need to park my car in my garage from now on. The problem was, that it was a mess! Luckily Scott (tynstar) came over to help my put up a shelving unit and organize the place. After a few hours of work, the place looks great and I now have a ton of room in there. (THANKS Scott!)

Even though it will be a while before I can afford a replacement radio, I feel I ended up a bit better in the deal.

1. Windows secure on my car
2. Now that small wind noise is gone from windows since the repair.
3. Garage is nice and organized
4. Parking car in garage will keep my car cool during the summer
5. Parking in the garage will keep my car warmer dunring  the "winter"

Yes, I did not file a police report. I repaired the damage in about 20 minutes, and felt that a 5 year old radio would not be worth my 250 dollar deductable. I did notify my neighbors of the theft so as they could be aware of such a thing happening around our block.

I hope I catch these idiots in the act one night :evilhappy: All in all, it could have been alot worse.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: ganonbanned on December 27, 2006, 11:52:43 AM
This sucks.  happened a few years ago to my dad, but all they stole was a few fitness magazines and some cigars.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Tynstar on December 27, 2006, 12:08:01 PM
Not a problem. You should of bought a garage door opener 6-7 years ago like I said. ;) :P

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: captain_nintendo on December 27, 2006, 12:11:10 PM
I forgot to mention that they stole all of my change from the ash tray. There was probably about 20 - 25 dollars worth in there.

Yep, I will be getting a garage door opener as soon as I can.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: TraderJake on December 27, 2006, 12:37:44 PM
Those assholes. My original car stereo was stolen when my car was in the shop. Went from being a 300 dollar repair to a 700 dollar repair.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: James on December 27, 2006, 01:08:09 PM
When we were living in New Zealand my dad's car was broken into. He was gutted because they stole a load of tapes but left all of his favourites.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: UNFORGIVINGPAIN on December 27, 2006, 02:11:06 PM
Sorry to hear your car was broken into by some crack-heads. But as you stated above it could have been a lot worse. Replacing that hockey gear or worse they could have taken your car for a joy ride. If they are stupid enough to come back, I do hope you catch these idiots in the act.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: bum-man on December 27, 2006, 02:20:43 PM
It always sucks when shit like this happens, but it sounds like you have the right attitude on it.  I hope you or someone catches the bastards.  About 10 years ago I had a knock on the door in the middle of the night, it was the cops and they were holding a bag with a bunch of stuff in it including my slide out CD player (I guess if I had slid it out I wouldn't have been woken up!!)  Apparently a couple of kids had hit a bunch of cars in the neighborhood and the cops caught them in the act.  They did no damage to the car getting in and all they did inside was slide out the player.  The worst part for me was they kept the CD Player for like 6 months because it was evidence and it had a CD in it that I had borrowed from a friend.  So I went out a got her a new one to replace it.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Ghost Soldier on December 28, 2006, 03:22:48 PM
A few years ago I had some cd's stolen out of my car.  They only took the cd's and not the player.  They even took the cd in the player.  They flipped down the face and ejected it.  They could have really messed with me and took the face.  I'm glad they didn't and there was no damage to the car.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: AndyC on December 29, 2006, 05:38:43 AM
I had my car broken into a couple of years ago. They had shoved a screwdriver down the side of the barrell in the passenger door and opened the lock. They didn't nick anything as the CD player is built into the dash and the CDs in my car were all burned anyway.

When I got it priced up to see how much it would have cost to have the 5mm hole next to my lock repaired, I was told it would be around £400 (yes that would be
$800). I told them to fook off and I just filled it myself from inside the door, it looks a bit shitty but cost £5 to do as oppossed to £400.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Sauza12 on December 29, 2006, 12:46:58 PM
I had my car broken into twice in a 2 month period a few years ago.  The second time they broke in, all they got was about $8 in change that I had in my car.  The first time they not only got a bunch of stuff, they screwed me financially until about 8 months ago. 

When they broke in, they took a CD case I had in my car that had 120 CD's in it, a few video games I had on my back seat, all the change that was in my car (probably about 10-15 dollars worth) and my checkbook that I accidentally left in there because I was out paying bills that day.  The then went on to write about $2500 worth of checks that not only drained my bank account, but caused me an extra $200 in bounced check fees.  I got the bounced check fee's waived, but a few months after that I got several notice from some pay by phone company with bills for the bounced checks.  It took over a year to get all of those cleared up, but the complete lack of money and all of the attached BS screwed up my credit so bad that I even had problems getting approved for a mortgage when I bought my house back in July.

I promised myself that if I ever found the cocks that broke into my car, I would at the very least send them to the hospital.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on December 29, 2006, 01:10:59 PM
I had my car broken into a couple of years ago. They had shoved a screwdriver down the side of the barrell in the passenger door and opened the lock. They didn't nick anything as the CD player is built into the dash and the CDs in my car were all burned anyway.

When I got it priced up to see how much it would have cost to have the 5mm hole next to my lock repaired, I was told it would be around £400 (yes that would be
$800). I told them to fook off and I just filled it myself from inside the door, it looks a bit shitty but cost £5 to do as oppossed to £400.

Yeah. WTF is up with door repairs? The door on my Accord decided to stop working and it cost $500 dollars to repair the mechanism!

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Tynstar on December 30, 2006, 02:34:33 AM
If you catch a person breaking into your car or house I think it should be perfectly legal to shoot them. Yet it is not. That is soooooo lame.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on December 30, 2006, 04:51:06 AM
If you catch a person breaking into your car or house I think it should be perfectly legal to shoot them. Yet it is not. That is soooooo lame.

See my avatar ;)

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: James on December 30, 2006, 11:33:38 AM
If you catch a person breaking into your car or house I think it should be perfectly legal to shoot them. Yet it is not. That is soooooo lame.
Tony Martin shot a burglar in his house then was sent to prison for it. There was a bit of an uproar, and a new law was made saying you can use "reasonable force" against an intruder. That means if they swing a knife at you, you're allowed to stab them.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Hydrobond on December 30, 2006, 11:39:43 AM
If you catch a person breaking into your car or house I think it should be perfectly legal to shoot them. Yet it is not. That is soooooo lame.
Tony Martin shot a burglar in his house then was sent to prison for it. There was a bit of an uproar, and a new law was made saying you can use "reasonable force" against an intruder. That means if they swing a knife at you, you're allowed to stab them.

I thought guns were outlawed over there....

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: James on December 30, 2006, 12:06:49 PM
You're allowed a shotgun if you've got a hunting licence.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Tynstar on December 30, 2006, 04:26:06 PM
If someone breaks into my house unarmed I will toss them a knife then shoot the fucko in the head.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Duckface on March 07, 2007, 04:08:01 AM
I would also do that, if it wasn't for the fact that I would be put into jail if I did.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Hydrobond on March 07, 2007, 07:59:22 AM
If someone breaks into my house unarmed I will toss them a knife then shoot the fucko in the head.

Shoot twice at their head.  Then shoot once at the ceiling/floor.  Dead people don't talk.  When the cops show up, tell him you gave him fair warning but he still kept coming. 

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Tynstar on March 07, 2007, 08:47:09 AM
If someone breaks into my house unarmed I will toss them a knife then shoot the fucko in the head.

Shoot twice at their head.  Then shoot once at the ceiling/floor.  Dead people don't talk.  When the cops show up, tell him you gave him fair warning but he still kept coming. 

OH good point!

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on March 07, 2007, 10:42:39 AM
First shot just needs to hit him, doesn't need to be a headie. Second shot is the headshot.

Then, when the cops come, shoot them too.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Hydrobond on March 07, 2007, 11:07:56 AM
First shot just needs to hit him, doesn't need to be a headie. Second shot is the headshot.

Then, when the cops come, shoot them too.

First shot should be a headshot, or else the cops will know you shot him in the head while he was down.   Unless you have a freeking castle, you will be shooting at him from point blank range.  Should be an easy head shot. 

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Kevincal on March 07, 2007, 09:21:03 PM
If someone breaks into my house unarmed I will toss them a knife then shoot the fucko in the head.

lol... :D

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Three on March 07, 2007, 09:30:21 PM
if someone broke into my house, I would rape them
in the ass
with my penis

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on March 07, 2007, 11:29:40 PM
Before or after killing them?

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Three on March 07, 2007, 11:52:36 PM
first one
then the other

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: wrldstrman on March 08, 2007, 10:26:52 PM
Sorry to hear about your car..threads like get me all fired up. Being in law enforcement I can say this country has been taken over by a bunch of wacko left wing liberals. In the US the criminals have all the rights and know it. Sad thing is if someone broke into your house killed everyone there set the house on fire then stood out in the street shooting people and the police showed up and shot the person..There would be a out pouring of sympthay for the criminal because the big bad mean police shot him.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Three on March 08, 2007, 10:36:04 PM
If I ever meet you in person, I am going to give you so many high-fives.... and then buy you a drink. :p

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on March 09, 2007, 02:21:12 AM

We had "riots" because of shit like that here. And of course the riot squad used rubber bullets...twelve seconds using real bullets and the riots would have been over before they had begun.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: Tan on March 09, 2007, 03:29:21 AM
Seriously, who would sqabble over self-defence or manslaughter laws when you or your family is in danger?

I've got a Wingmaster running 3 inch double aught that says a few years in prison is better than an eternity in the ground. You just don't walk into another man's castle and disrespect his territory and rules, outside world laws be damned.

Title: Re: My car was broken into by idiots!
Post by: wrldstrman on March 09, 2007, 04:09:10 AM
Heres a good one a guy climbed over a fenced in yard broke into the house fled out the back door and got bit by the home owners dog. which was tied to a dog house the robber actually sued the home owners and won. 

The the saddest thing about criminals is they live a better life inside a prison than 70 percent of the worlds population..free room and board,warm place to sleep, 3 meals a day (which have to be approved by the watcch dog groups) dont be fooled by tv movies. they have television, internet, radio acess to books, magiznes. free medical care the prison here has a swimming pool. yes we sure do punish our criminals.