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Gaming => Community Playthroughs => Topic started by: Fleach on April 25, 2014, 08:14:00 AM

Title: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Fleach on April 25, 2014, 08:14:00 AM
Your shadow has been cut away from your body. A mysterious tower looms in the distance.

An inventive and unique platformer that follows the shadow of a boy and its journey up a tower to be reunited with its master. Thematically Shadow could best be described as a film from master Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke) come to life. In video game terms, take the stark world of Limbo, smash it into some (but not all) of Echochrome's concept and mix in some of Ico's vibe.
Source: IGN (http://ca.ign.com/articles/2011/01/04/lost-in-shadow-review)

Nintendo Wii

May 1 - 8: Reach the 21st floor
May 9 - 16: Reach the 50th floor
May 17 - 24: Complete the Shrine

Disposed Hero

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - ???
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on April 25, 2014, 08:55:05 AM
...I'm guessing Broken Sword?

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - ???
Post by: Crabmaster2000 on April 25, 2014, 10:11:35 AM
I'm guessing Lost in Shadow

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - ???
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on April 25, 2014, 10:26:41 AM

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - ???
Post by: Fleach on April 25, 2014, 10:44:05 AM
Yep! Crabby's got it!

Once techwizard creates his thread I'll post up the official announcement.

Until then I think I'm going to fire up my scanner. :)

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - ???
Post by: Shadow Kisuragi on April 25, 2014, 10:57:42 AM
Thanks. ;)

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - ???
Post by: singlebanana on April 27, 2014, 05:39:44 PM
I have this game. Looking forward to it.

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Disposed Hero on April 28, 2014, 07:48:48 AM
Awesome, count me in!

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: monkees19 on April 28, 2014, 08:05:19 AM
Put me down for inclusion. Once I find a copy of the game. Even if I get started late, I'll be in.

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: douglie007 on April 28, 2014, 02:32:46 PM
I am going to try and find the game and play it so mark me down

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Fleach on April 28, 2014, 02:47:41 PM
Happy to have all you guys on board for this game. I'm really excited to play this and it'll be fun to share our experiences.

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Fleach on May 01, 2014, 07:19:29 AM
You can begin playing now. A checkpoint should be up later today or tomorrow.

Title: Re:
Post by: douglie007 on May 02, 2014, 12:19:37 AM
Started playing it, fun puzzle game :) on floor 2

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Fleach on May 02, 2014, 07:43:45 AM
It's a different game that's for sure. I think it starts of as a fun puzzle game and quickly turns into a "hmmm" puzzle game. The difficulty will gradually increase once you find the sword.

Does anyone get the same vibe they got from Fragile Dreams from this game? I'd consider these two games to be spiritual successors.

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Disposed Hero on May 05, 2014, 11:48:12 AM
I'm on floor 3-5 (I think).  I decided to play on hard difficulty, and wasn't having much trouble at first, but I made it to the end of floor 3-5 and basically didn't stand a chance against that large spider at the exit, so I'll probably scale the difficulty back down to normal. 

Other than that, the game seems pretty good so far.  The puzzles haven't been too challenging yet, but I'm sure they'll get much more difficult as the game goes on.

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: singlebanana on May 05, 2014, 03:20:32 PM
I'm going to try and get the wife involved in playing this with me. She's not a gamer, so this should be interesting at least when we discuss it. :)

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Fleach on May 06, 2014, 07:14:34 AM
Hero, this game is deceptively hard. Especially since your sword is basically a butter knife and all the enemies have a long reach. I life the light manipulation and Fez style world turning mechanics used in this game; they literally put a new perspective on the puzzles.

Rich, I'd like to hear her thoughts... your's as well since you're an English major and there are some neat metaphors going on in the game.

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Disposed Hero on May 06, 2014, 12:30:58 PM
Yeah, I played through the next set of floors last night, and I can feel the difficulty ramping up.  You definitely have to figure out a pattern for taking out the enemies without getting hit since your health is so limited.

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Disposed Hero on May 12, 2014, 08:47:18 AM
I'm currently at Floor 30.  I had a love/hate relationship with this game up until about the 21st floor or so, but now I'm enjoying it more consistently.  There are a series of floors before the 21st where the game likes to throw fairly difficult enemies at you pretty often, and it gets pretty hard to make it through a floor without dying.  It's extremely frustrating to make it through an entire floor only to be killed by a giant spider at the end and have to replay the entire thing.  Those moments usually resulted in me saying "#&@$ this!" and turning off the console.  :)

The more recent floors however have been more focused on puzzles and platforming, and this is really where the game is at its best.  There are still quite a few enemies, but they're usually the easier varieties that die in one or two hits.  Not to mention that my character is stronger now, so a few enemies getting in the way isn't as big a deal as it used to be.

The whole concept of the game is very interesting.  Interacting with shadows rather than the objects themselves forces you to think differently about your environment.  There have been a few times where I've gotten hit by an arrow or a sawblade because I was trying to avoid the object itself rather than its shadow.  I also like that moving along the shadows causes this game to mechanically be a 2D platformer, which I greatly prefer over 3D platformers.

And with that, I'm definitely enjoying this one.  Looking forward to playing it some more!  :)

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Fleach on May 12, 2014, 10:16:14 AM
Great comments! I'm not too far behind (on the 17th floor).

Week 2's goal is up.

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Disposed Hero on May 27, 2014, 01:05:46 PM
It's been kinda dead in here, but I finished Lost in Shadow yesterday.  Overall I would say the game is good, not great.  It is deserving of the mixed reviews it received.

I don't really have too much to say that I haven't already said in an earlier post.  The game introduces some new gameplay mechanics about half way through that allow for some 3D gameplay, but the vast majority of the game is played in a 2D perspective.

Anyway, the game is definitely worth a playthrough, but probably not one I would revisit.  Good luck to anybody else who is still playing!

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Fleach on May 27, 2014, 01:33:50 PM
Unfortunately I've been super busy and only made it to the 20th floor, but I have a decent understanding of the game based on what I've played.

Overall impression is good, but nothing spectacular. Something I'll casually chip away at and eventually finish.

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: singlebanana on May 27, 2014, 01:58:08 PM
Thanks for playing Disposed and congrats on finishing!

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: douglie007 on May 29, 2014, 10:35:24 PM
I was so busy this month I only got to floor 9.  booo,  Im going to try and play it later if I have time

Title: Re: May Modern Community Playthrough - Lost In Shadow
Post by: Fleach on June 02, 2014, 07:48:26 AM
I've had a busy month too, so don't worry about not getting very far in this game.

As long as you played enough to get a feel for the game and have decided whether you'll eventually finish it, I'm happy.