RF Generation Message Board

Other => Idle Chatter => Topic started by: phoenix1967 on April 19, 2007, 09:12:10 PM

Title: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: phoenix1967 on April 19, 2007, 09:12:10 PM
 :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

Title: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tan on April 19, 2007, 10:22:48 PM
Go to Youtube. Do a search for "Do the Evolution" by Pearl Jam. Watch it. That's how all fanboys are made. Stamped with a barcode by the corporation at birth on a conveyor belt. That explains your irrational behaviors and over-zealous love for "The Corporation".  :laugh:

Title: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on April 20, 2007, 12:04:14 AM
See, I see that you see me as someone who sees all you anti-Sony fanboys as some sort of freedom fighters against the Sony corporation.

The reality is that I see all you anti-Sony fanboys as exactly that, anti-Sony fanboys. This anti-Sony fanboy cult that is sweeping teh interwebs is far too popular. We few Sony supporters are the unique ones, the outcasts. I mean it's so much more roomy over here, me and Tondog get lonely sometimes.

And hell, by supporting M$ you're supporting a giant ZOMG EVIL AMERICAN corporation. From your political views Tan I'd assume that that would be the worst thing evar.

So come on over to the Sony side, the water's fine...and only $6 dollars a bottle ;)

Title: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tynstar on April 20, 2007, 01:09:56 AM
Lets put an end to all the fanboy talk for a few weeks.

Title: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on April 20, 2007, 04:06:53 AM
No comeback eh? ;)

Title: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: phoenix1967 on April 20, 2007, 08:27:23 AM
So come on over to the Sony side, the water's fine...and only $6 dollars a bottle ;)

...and a $600 membership fee. And with that you get technology that you'll probably never use, but can brag about to justify your purchase which, deep down, you know you'll regret, but can never admit to others.

$600...a small price to pay for an infinite supply of denial, self-righteousness, and arrogance.

Title: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tan on April 20, 2007, 10:11:12 AM
See, I see that you see me as someone who sees all you anti-Sony fanboys as some sort of freedom fighters against the Sony corporation.

The reality is that I see all you anti-Sony fanboys as exactly that, anti-Sony fanboys. This anti-Sony fanboy cult that is sweeping teh interwebs is far too popular. We few Sony supporters are the unique ones, the outcasts. I mean it's so much more roomy over here, me and Tondog get lonely sometimes.

And hell, by supporting M$ you're supporting a giant ZOMG EVIL AMERICAN corporation. From your political views Tan I'd assume that that would be the worst thing evar.

So come on over to the Sony side, the water's fine...and only $6 dollars a bottle ;)

I don't support one company over another. I own whatever has games that please me simple as that. Look at my collection stats and tell me I'm anti-Sony. Just because I poke fun at a bad business decision doesn't mean I'm anti-whoever.

That previous post was made in the hopes everyone would get a good laugh and lighten the mood. Fanboy rants are funny the first thread or two, but not when they pollute news threads. We can't have any Sony or Microsoft threads now without them turning into bash-fests. Maybe we need a sub-forum for fanboy threads to separate it from the constructive posts people may actually want to read.

I'm a big enough man in that I'll admit I've made unnecessary comments in the past in threads best served for news purposes. Now that I have more responsibility here including to help promote this site externally I'll be refraining from it in the future in the hopes that we don't turn into IGN or GameFAQs. Once the front page takes off and news gets posted more frequently I don't want every thread to be sabotaged. News is as much for consumers and gamers as it is fanboys but it comes with a price. You want to bash news fine. Do it somewhere other than the news thread itself and there won't be a problem. Otherwise this site won't be taken seriously or seen as mature and informative. That's a policy I will be the first to say I support, and hope others follow.

Title: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tynstar on April 20, 2007, 10:26:38 AM
I'm a big enough man in that I'll admit I've made unnecessary comments in the past in threads best served for news purposes. Now that I have more responsibility here including to help promote this site externally I'll be refraining from it in the future in the hopes that we don't turn into IGN or GameFAQs. Once the front page takes off and news gets posted more frequently I don't want every thread to be sabotaged. News is as much for consumers and gamers as it is fanboys but it comes with a price. You want to bash news fine. Do it somewhere other than the news thread itself and there won't be a problem. Otherwise this site won't be taken seriously or seen as mature and informative. That's a policy I will be the first to say I support, and hope others follow.

I agree and of course I have made all sorts of stupid comments.

Title: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on April 20, 2007, 10:58:13 AM
Ok...so Tan posts a flame and I respond and now Tan says we need to reformat the site...

I do believe that means I win.

Title: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tynstar on April 20, 2007, 11:08:05 AM
Ok...so Tan posts a flame and I respond and now Tan says we need to reformat the site...

I do believe that means I win.

Win what? It is not a matter of winning. Its about hijacking threads which we all have done.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: captain_nintendo on April 20, 2007, 01:06:07 PM
Ok...so Tan posts a flame and I respond and now Tan says we need to reformat the site...

I do believe that means I win.

I like Tan's idea. I really don't want people thinking rfgen is like gametards....Er, Gamefaqs

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: OatBob on April 20, 2007, 01:19:58 PM
I like Tan's idea. I really don't want people thinking rfgen is like gametards....Er, Gamefaqs

Maybe one for Rich Delicious Chocolate too.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: two_scoop_steve on April 20, 2007, 01:26:31 PM

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tan on April 20, 2007, 01:50:43 PM
Ok...so Tan posts a flame and I respond and now Tan says we need to reformat the site...

I do believe that means I win.

If you need to scrape up every measely win you can to prove your manhood young man be my guest. Once your ears dry you can always have a chuckle later on when you realize it's insignifigance.  ;)

I don't want anyone to get the impression they can't speak their mind, or that they can't bash a system, or even god forbid become a raving fanboy. Sometimes it's amusing, others a good way to vent frustration with a product or series. I just don't think it needs to be in a newspost. It's potentially a place where people get information about products, games, and services they may have or want. If newsposts lead to forum discussions about those same posts from the front page I think everyone can agree we don't need it to look like another Joystiq comment section.

Start up a anti-whoever thread and criticize all you want, i'll even post there and we can continue this witty banter  :boxing: and plan your wedding  :affection:  I'm just hoping that the anti-whoever doesn't seep into every thread we have that's all. I'm sure even you can agree with that Leon.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tan on April 20, 2007, 02:06:44 PM
Here's a pic I found this morning:

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tondog on April 20, 2007, 02:16:30 PM
I'm a big enough man in that I'll admit I've made unnecessary comments in the past in threads best served for news purposes.
Same here. I've done that as well, but it's mainly just to get my two cents in, but the thread could have survived without it.

You want to bash news fine. Do it somewhere other than the news thread itself and there won't be a problem.
But where? Where can we criticize it?

I admit, I am fairly biased towards Sony and Nintendo, but of course those are the two companies that made the consoles I grew up with (SNES and Playstation). I don't have a problem with Microsoft getting into the console game, but the only thing I do have a problem with is that their game lineup just does not satisfy my tastes. The vast majority of the games on their system are either sports, shooters, or would have been on PC if XBox never came along. XBox is the console for the PC gamer crowd from what I observe. I, for one, have grown out of PC style games in favor of more casual console games like platformers, 3rd person action/adventure, and those odder games like Katamari or Rez. If XBox did a better job at tapping those areas, I would consider them, but they did not do that last time around and aren't doing it very well so far this time around. Admittedly, they have tried to put some stuff out there like Blinx and Viva Pinata, but look how poorly those did. There is hope for 360 with 3rd parties picking up some holes in the 360 lineup with Katamari and Devil May Cry 4 coming, and I hope that those do well enough to make Microsoft realize that they can't just make all their money on the Halo/Gears of War people. I'm sure there are plenty of other folks who feel the same way as I do.

Even though I don't say this very often, I think PS3 is showing the same problem that 360 has with its current game lineup, but the thing is that Sony is reaching out to fill the void with stuff like Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Little Big Planet, Calling All Cars, flOw, etc. To be honest, I think the best lineup of any of the next gen consoles is on Wii right now, but I just hope they can also release some more serious games in the future.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on April 20, 2007, 03:06:42 PM
Ok...so Tan posts a flame and I respond and now Tan says we need to reformat the site...

I do believe that means I win.

If you need to scrape up every measely win you can to prove your manhood young man be my guest. Once your ears dry you can always have a chuckle later on when you realize it's insignifigance.  ;)

Phht...you, good sir, phail. I shall remember through the far reaches of time every small victory that I accomplish on this interwebs. ;)

But what I've been trying to get across with my "I win" posts is that every time you say something meant to be amusing and I respond in a similar fashion I am then met with these indignant "serious" posts, which you usually follow up with another amusing post, which I respond to in a similar and the I am met with these indignant "serious" posts. It goes on and on and finally we have reached this point where you guys decide you want to close up shop.

Well, I have this to say:

My posts are nothing personal, usually nothing even realistic. It's all in the sake of entertainment, I love to argue and I won't ever stop arguing. I mean look at some of the wonderful threads I've created: global warming, Hippies Need to Listen, What are you Eating Right Now (err, maybe not that last one). Argument and porn are the reasons that I am ever present on teh interweb.

I'd also like to say that, first of all, without our squabbles, the board would be fairly boring.

Secondly, I'm not going to cow tow to you commies telling me I have to move my comments to other boards, that's bullshit and a waste bandwidth.

So in the long run, rather than attempting to stop the bantering with anti-bantering banters I suggest just bantering back and not being so indignant.

The only thing that I can think of as to how we have come to this high pass is that perhaps my silly arguments are SO right that you guys are simply dumbstruck as how to respond to them and therefore you feel like you have to bring about an end to the arguments.

In the long run, if you want me to stop my banter in the name of the site I'll try, but I'm telling you, it won't be easy, or fun.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tan on April 20, 2007, 03:08:59 PM
But where? Where can we criticize it?

Nothing wrong with using the thread we've got here.  ;)

The biggest thing I find about people who don't care much for the 360 is the lack of true exposure to it. Most see it as a Gears of War/Halo thing. I don't play Halo and I don't own Gears, so what on earth would I be doing with a 360? Well here's my list of 360 games:

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Outfit, The
Star Trek: Legacy
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged: Volume 1

and also the three Burger King games.

Mech simulations, RPG's, 3rd person/RTS, Space sim, 3rd person stealth/platformer and an assortment of board games/arcade games. Prey is the only shooter on that list and considering it's unique approach with the portals, gravity puzzles and flying it's hardly a FPS ripoff.

I'm looking forward to the following:

Mass Effect - rpg
Two worlds - rpg
Forza 2 - racing
Splinter Cell 5 - stealth
Assassin's creed - action/adventure
Ace Combat 6 - flight sim
Banjo threeie - platformer
Command & Conquer 3 - rts
Dirt: Colin McRae - Racing
Bioshock - rpg
Blue Dragon - rpg
Project Sylpheed - shoot-em up
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Also others already out that i haven't picked up yet. Not many FPS's on that list as you can see.

I know what the typical Xbox owner stereotype is, and I can assure you you'd be surprised on how few of us here fit that description. Many PS3 owners/wanters will buy allot of those same games on my list for their systems as well. And when the PS3 has enough unique games of varying genre's to interest me I'll have one of those 2. But right now it's still an overpriced appiance with little use right now.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tan on April 20, 2007, 03:16:38 PM
In the long run, if you want me to stop my banter in the name of the site I'll try, but I'm telling you, it won't be easy, or fun.

You not actually reading anyone else's posts or at least not mine anyway. Sure you skim the surface but your not taking it in. I didn't move this thread BTW and I'm still posting jokes and such even now in it. Re-read this again:

Posted Earlier:
"I don't want anyone to get the impression they can't speak their mind, or that they can't bash a system, or even god forbid become a raving fanboy. Sometimes it's amusing, others a good way to vent frustration with a product or series. I just don't think it needs to be in a newspost. It's potentially a place where people get information about products, games, and services they may have or want. If newsposts lead to forum discussions about those same posts from the front page I think everyone can agree we don't need it to look like another Joystiq comment section.

Start up a anti-whoever thread and criticize all you want, i'll even post there and we can continue this witty banter  :boxing: and plan your wedding :affection:  I'm just hoping that the anti-whoever doesn't seep into every thread we have that's all. I'm sure even you can agree with that Leon."

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tynstar on April 20, 2007, 03:21:58 PM
Lets keep the bashing and banter to this thread. Lets just not turn every MS or PS thread into a fanboy fight. With that Sony is Satan, MS is good and ATARI RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!! old Atari that is.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tan on April 20, 2007, 03:23:27 PM
Nintendo is kiddie so we'll leave that for the Toddler Generation Forums  ;)  :laugh:

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tondog on April 20, 2007, 03:32:02 PM
I think we should have old school fanboy arguments...

DAMN YOU 3DO FANBOYS! Your console has nothing worth a shit.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on April 20, 2007, 03:36:29 PM
In the long run, if you want me to stop my banter in the name of the site I'll try, but I'm telling you, it won't be easy, or fun.

You not actually reading anyone else's posts or at least not mine anyway. Sure you skim the surface but your not taking it in. I didn't move this thread BTW and I'm still posting jokes and such even now in it. Re-read this again:

Posted Earlier:
"I don't want anyone to get the impression they can't speak their mind, or that they can't bash a system, or even god forbid become a raving fanboy. Sometimes it's amusing, others a good way to vent frustration with a product or series. I just don't think it needs to be in a newspost. It's potentially a place where people get information about products, games, and services they may have or want. If newsposts lead to forum discussions about those same posts from the front page I think everyone can agree we don't need it to look like another Joystiq comment section.

Start up a anti-whoever thread and criticize all you want, i'll even post there and we can continue this witty banter  :boxing: and plan your wedding :affection:  I'm just hoping that the anti-whoever doesn't seep into every thread we have that's all. I'm sure even you can agree with that Leon."

God damn it Tan I read it all. I simply don't see a problem with the banter. Without banter we have boring agreeing and news.

I suggest you leave your socialist ways in Canada, everyone learns to argue better, and that we keep things how they were.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: OatBob on April 20, 2007, 03:38:37 PM

After all, its clearly the superior as it has 16 bits over 8, as well as the technological wonder of blast processing.  Now you can smoothly scroll through beautifully rendered screens without interruption.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: captain_nintendo on April 20, 2007, 03:41:19 PM
Nintendo is kiddie so we'll leave that for the Toddler Generation Forums  ;)  :laugh:

I hate you Keith  :P

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tan on April 20, 2007, 03:55:09 PM
Nintendo is kiddie so we'll leave that for the Toddler Generation Forums  ;)  :laugh:

I hate you Keith  :P

Yeah? well Go-Bots rule. They can beat the Autobots anytime anywhere.  :ninja:

Who says fanboys have to be all games-related? While I'm at it:

Pepsi sucks.
So do the Red Wings  ;)
Ford sucks
"24" sucks
The colour pink blows ass
$600 for a game system sucks
so does Windows Live Pricing and Windows Vista

No, Leon I didn't forget you, WoW sucks big time too.  ;)

This post has been brought to you by the letter "Q" and the number "9", which both suck too. You wanna fight about it?  :stick:

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: OatBob on April 20, 2007, 04:04:47 PM
yeah right, the Red Wings are gonna pull through.  I hope the Detroit fans start throwing squid on the ice again.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tynstar on April 20, 2007, 04:05:09 PM
Yeah? well Go-Bots rule. They can beat the Autobots anytime anywhere.  :ninja:
So do the Red Wings  ;)

I was thinking about banning you for the Red Wings comment. But then I remembered the GoBots comment so I won't ban you.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tondog on April 20, 2007, 05:06:52 PM
Final Fantasy sucks. Square needs to end the series. Why the hell did Enix save them?

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tynstar on April 20, 2007, 05:12:40 PM
They needed to end it with the first one since it was a FINAL Fantasy. Maybe FINAL means something different in Japan.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: OatBob on April 20, 2007, 05:21:51 PM
umm... Square Soft saved Enix from almost certain death and jump started some of their IPs.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tondog on April 20, 2007, 05:27:23 PM
Whatever way it was. Shut up you factinista.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: OatBob on April 20, 2007, 05:52:22 PM
Like the fact that Pac-Man 2600 sucks!

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tynstar on April 20, 2007, 08:43:36 PM
Like the fact that Pac-Man 2600 sucks!

I don't think anyone can disagree with that statement.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on April 20, 2007, 09:02:14 PM
Even I can't...

And Mega Man still sucks and Crash Bandicoot > Sonic.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: OatBob on April 20, 2007, 09:19:28 PM
that's debateable

now guys that hide in lockers and under boxes are pansies

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tynstar on April 20, 2007, 10:14:57 PM
that's debateable

now guys that hide in lockers and under boxes are pansies


Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on April 21, 2007, 02:20:40 AM
that's debateable

now guys that hide in lockers and under boxes are pansies

However: guys that hide in lockers and under boxes for just a few seconds before popping out of said box or locker and then killing fools ninja style are, quite undeniably, awesome.

[img width=400 height=293]http://www.gamingworldx.com/ps2/images/mgs3_2.jpg[/img]

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tan on April 21, 2007, 07:05:34 AM
I agree.  ;)

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on April 21, 2007, 11:58:53 AM
Game wasn't bad^, yet it was far too easy to just kill everyone. MGS 3 had this elaborate martial arts system you had to master, it even relied on how hard you pressed buttons, and in Chaos Theory you just push a button and Sam stabs a guy or knocks him out or breaks his neck.

Sam's guns were also weird and there was always that artificial feel when the game gave you "warnings"

He is still a bad ass though.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: Tan on April 21, 2007, 05:43:45 PM
Game wasn't bad^, yet it was far too easy to just kill everyone. MGS 3 had this elaborate martial arts system you had to master, it even relied on how hard you pressed buttons, and in Chaos Theory you just push a button and Sam stabs a guy or knocks him out or breaks his neck.

Sam's guns were also weird and there was always that artificial feel when the game gave you "warnings"

He is still a bad ass though.

The trick is to find intersting ways to subdue/kill without using guns at all. Using guns in Splinter Cell is for sissies.  ;) Example one time a guard was in a rec room using a treadmill because he was bored. Well there's a dozen ways to handle a situation ranging from sneaking to shooting. I sent an EMP pulse into the treadmill so it's motor seized. It threw him off balance and he cracked his head off the machine.  :ninja: Getting a 100% rating on a level in hard difficulty is extremely challenging. No alarms, never detected, never seen, no fatalities in some cases, bodies never found, fast mission time etc.

I tried to get into MGS. Tried pretty much all of them. It's sort of a Arcade Stealth as opposed to Splinter cell's simulation. Or Ridge Racer versus Gran Turismo. I wasn't a big fan of the weird magic or 4th wall stuff, but the cutscenes were nice. I still prefer the Nes ones more, even the bastard child. I've always felt SC tried to emulate what made the Thief series good in the past. I'm hoping Asassin's Creed does as well.

Title: Re: FANBOYS!!!!
Post by: The Metamorphosing Leon on April 21, 2007, 05:47:01 PM
Assassin's Creed looks cool.

Medieval Hitman FTW!