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Collection Description:
Hello all!

I've been collecting since summer of 2010 (previously I was the opposite of a collector giving away all of my old games and systems whenever I would get a new one).  I started out focusing on disk based games (CD, DVD, blu-ray), but then when I got a Sega Genesis donated to me, all bets were off.

I recently built out a gaming space in my basement, including 8 gaming computers, and a game/file server so I can have impromptu LAN parties without any setup at all.
     (not top of the line modern spec by any means, all Windows 7, but
     the lowest spec machine will crank games like Rise Of The Triad
     Remake maxed out settings @1280x1024 (don't have all
     widescreens yet) @45+ fps and the highest spec is far more
     powerful, but still pretty low spec as compared to brand new
I also created a rag-tag wall of shelves and a gaming cluster with 3 TV's and a whole bunch of standard and high definition consoles.
    (with a standard definition 26" Sanyo tube TV, 19" Sylvania LCD TV,
     and 32" 1080p LCD TV.  The two standard definition TV's are
     connected to every standard definition console through the VCR via
     coaxial and composite cables.  This allows for light gun games to be
     played on any console, it also allows for any console to utilize the  
     much sharper image of the LCD at will)
Yes that is a pool table you see in the corner of one of the pictures.

Yes this is definitely still a work in progress, the end product being "finished" as opposed to now which I would describe as "industrial".

My PS2 and regular XBone are hooked up to my 55" in my room in order to have at least one of every single console I have hooked up and ready to play.

Collection Stats:

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IBM PC  110 (14%)
Nintendo NES  68 (8%)
Sony PlayStation 2  62 (8%)
Sony PlayStation 4  58 (7%)
Sony PlayStation 3  57 (7%)
Sony PlayStation  50 (6%)
Sega Genesis  45 (6%)
Microsoft Xbox 360  38 (5%)
Microsoft Xbox  37 (5%)
Sega Dreamcast  31 (4%)
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