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Console Reg. Type Title ^ Publisher Year Genre Qty Box Man
Sega Genesis U S Action 52 Active Enterprises 1993 Compilation 0 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Action 52 [Green Board - Clear Label] Active Enterprises 1991 Compilation 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Ape Escape 2 Ubisoft 2003 Action/Adventure 0 0 0
Nintendo SNES U S Castlevania Dracula X Konami 1995 Platformer 0 0 0
Sega Saturn U S Clockwork Knight 2 Sega 1995 Action/Adventure 0 0 0
Nintendo SNES U S Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble Nintendo 1996 Platformer 0 0 0
Nintendo SNES U S Harvest Moon Natsume 1997 RPG 0 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Little Samson Taito 1992 Platformer 0 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Mega Man 5 Capcom 1992 Platformer 0 0 0
Nintendo SNES U S Mega Man X Capcom 1994 Action 0 0 0
Nintendo SNES U S Mega Man X2 Capcom 1995 Platformer 0 0 0
Nintendo SNES U S Mega Man X3 Capcom 1996 Platformer 0 0 0
Sega Saturn U S Mortal Kombat Trilogy Midway 1997 Fighting 0 0 0
Sega Saturn U S NiGHTS into Dreams... Sega 1996 Action 0 0 0
Sega Saturn U S Panzer Dragoon Saga Sega 1998 RPG 0 0 0
Sega Saturn U S Panzer Dragoon Zwei Sega 1996 Shooter 0 0 0
Sega Saturn U S Three Dirty Dwarves Sega 1996 Action/Adventure 0 0 0

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