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Ape Escape: La Invasión de los Monos
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Console: Sony PlayStation
Region: ES Spain
Year: 1999
RFG ID #: E-061-S-00663-A
Part #: SCES-02031
UPC: 711719788720
Developer: Sony Computer Entertainment Inc (SCEI)
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE)
3+ (ELSPA)

Genre: Action/Adventure
Sub-genre: Platformer
Players: 1
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: CD-ROM
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Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Sony PlayStation DK, FI, SE, GB S Ape Escape Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 1999 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation U S Ape Escape [Playstation Underground Demo] SCEA 1999 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation U S Ape Escape [Greatest Hits] SCEA 2000 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation U S Ape Escape SCEA 1999 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation Italy S Ape Escape Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 1999 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation Italy S Ape Escape [Platinum] Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 2001 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation A S Ape Escape [Platinum] Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 2001 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation Germany S Ape Escape [Platinum] Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 2001 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation Germany S Ape Escape Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 1999 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation Netherlands S Ape Escape Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 1999 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation BE, FR S Ape Escape Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 1999 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation BE, FR S Ape Escape [Platinum] Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 1999 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation United Kingdom S Ape Escape Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 1999 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation J S Saru! Get You! [Playstation the Best] Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) 2000 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation J S Saru! Get You! Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) 1999 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation J S Saru! Get You! [PS one Books] Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) 2005 Action/Adventure
Sony PlayStation C S Saru! Get You! Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) 1999 Action/Adventure
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page Design, HTML Code
Eddie Herrmann: Perl Script
David Murnan: PHP Script
Bildtstar: Variation Addition, Publisher Edit

Last Updated: 2015-01-15 09:53:09
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