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007: Agent im Kreuzfeuer
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Alternate Title:James Bond 007 in Agent im Kreuzfeuer, 007: Agent Under Fire, James Bond 007 in... Agent Under Fire,
Console: Microsoft Xbox
Region: DE Germany
Year: 2002
RFG ID #: E-075-S-04472-A
Part #: EAD07403281IS
UPC: 5030932030818
Developer: Electronic Arts Canada, Electronic Arts Redwood Shores Studio
Publisher: Electronic Arts
16+ (USK)

Genre: Action/Adventure
Players: 1-4
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: DVD
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Collection Stats:

  • 3 of 7635 collectors (0%) have this game in their collection
  • 0 of 7635 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 0 of 7635 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

From xbox.com:

Get ready for the next generation of 007 as Her Majesty's greatest secret agent embarks upon an all-new, action packed adventure. In James Bond 007 Agent Under Fire, the devious plans of a criminal mastermind once again threaten to bring the world's greatest nations to their knees and only one man can save them. That man is Bond, James Bond.

Next generation console technology thrusts the player into the role of 007 like never before. Complete with high-tech weaponry, state-of-the-art gadgets, exotic sports cars, and beautiful women, this is the ultimate James Bond experience. The game's mix of intense first-person action and white-knuckle driving levels will transport the player to exotic locations where they will come face-to-face with the world's most dangerous villains. Only the clever use of firepower and tricks of the spycraft trade will allow them to save the world.

Are you up to the task? Of course you are. You're Bond… James Bond.

  • An all-new, original single-player storyline written exclusively for EA GAMES.
  • 12 action packed missions, including intense first-person action and white-knuckle driving levels.
  • Support for up to four player split-screen multiplayer action.
  • Beautiful Bond girls - The alluring Zoe Nightshade, the deadly Carla the Jackal, and the bombshell "Killer Twins."
  • State-of-the-art gadgets - The Q-Claw, Q-Jet, Q-Laser, and more. High-tech weaponry - The Wolfram P2K, rocket launcher, sniper rifle, assault rifle, and more.
  • Exotic automobiles - The Aston Martin DB5, BMW 750iL, and BMW Z8.
  • Helpful Allies - The authoritative M and omnipresent R.
  • Devious villains and dangerous henchmen.
  • Thrilling locations - Hong Kong, the Swiss Alps, Romania, a deep sea oil rig atop a secret underwater base and more
  • Variations:

    Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
    Microsoft Xbox Netherlands S 007: Agent Under Fire Electronic Arts 2002 Action/Adventure
    Microsoft Xbox United Kingdom S 007: Agent Under Fire Electronic Arts 2002 Action/Adventure
    Microsoft Xbox United Kingdom S 007: Agent Under Fire [Classics] Electronic Arts 2003 Action/Adventure
    Microsoft Xbox Spain S 007: Agent Under Fire Electronic Arts 2002 Action/Adventure
    Microsoft Xbox FI, SE S 007: Agent Under Fire Electronic Arts 2002 Action/Adventure
    Microsoft Xbox U S 007: Agent Under Fire Electronic Arts 2002 Action/Adventure
    Microsoft Xbox U S 007: Agent Under Fire [Platinum Hits] Electronic Arts 2003 Action/Adventure
    Microsoft Xbox France S 007: Espion pour cible Electronic Arts 2002 Action/Adventure
    Microsoft Xbox France S 007: Espion pour cible [Classics] Electronic Arts 2003 Action/Adventure
    Game Trivia:


    007 : Agent Under Fire has become a famous Xbox game, but not because of the gameplay itself. On 31st March 31 2003, a hacker called Habibi-Xbox used a buffer overflow in the game and became the first to hack into an unmodified Xbox. This was part of a $100,000 challenge funded by Lindows founder Michael Robertson.

    James Bond

    The Agent Under Fire James Bond is a combination of elements from all five previous Bonds.

    FAQ's/External Links:

    ThornBrain's playthrough of the game on the Let's Play Archive Information about 007: Agent Under Fire at Wikipedia
    Page Credits:

    Michael Collins: Page Design, HTML Code
    Eddie Herrmann: Perl Script
    David Murnan: PHP Script
    Furnessly: Variation Addition
    Project Nintendo: Alt. Titles, Developer, Subgenre, Overview, Related Games, Trivia, Links

    Last Updated: 2015-12-14 22:28:57
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