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Chrono Trigger
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Box Front

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Console: Nintendo DS
Region: GB United Kingdom
Year: 2009
RFG ID #: E-087-S-02450-A
UPC: 5060121824089
Developer: Square Enix, Tose
Publisher: Square Enix
12+ (PEGI): Violence

Genre: RPG
Sub-genre: Turn-Based RPG
Players: 1
Controller: System Controls + Stylus
Media Format: DS Card
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Collection Stats:

  • 27 of 7629 collectors (0.3%) have this game in their collection
  • 1 of 7629 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 0 of 7629 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

Time to make history!

When an experimental teleportation device hurls his friend back in time, young Crono must travel through the ages to rescue her from a tangled web of past and future perils! Along the way, he'll stumble across a plot to destroy the world, triggering a race to change the course of history and bring about a brighter tomorrow.
With all-new dual-screen presentation, touch screen features, an extra dungeon and DS wireless communications, there has never been a better time to experience this masterpiece of interactive storytelling, hailed as one the greatest games ever.

(Overview from the back of the case)
Extra Media:

Health and Safety Precautions BookletExtra - Chrono Trigger Orchestra Extra Soundtrack (Front)
Extra - Chrono Trigger Orchestra Extra Soundtrack (Back)
Extra - Chrono Trigger Orchestra Extra Soundtrack (Leaflet)
Extra - Chrono Trigger Orchestra Extra Soundtrack (Leaflet) (2)
Extra - Chrono Trigger Orchestra Extra Soundtrack CD

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo DS A S Chrono Trigger Square Enix 2009 RPG
Nintendo DS J S Chrono Trigger Square Enix 2008 RPG
Nintendo DS U S Chrono Trigger Square Enix 2008 RPG
Nintendo DS U S Chrono Trigger [Second Print Eco Case] Square Enix RPG
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page Design, HTML Code
Eddie Herrmann: Perl Script
David Murnan: PHP Script
Darth Sidious: Title Addition
kam1kaz3nl77: Scans, Photos
kaysow: Photos, Scans, Developer, Subgenre, Overview

Last Updated: 2017-01-30 19:40:55
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