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Battlecruiser Millenium: Gold Edition [GameStop Exclusive]
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Console: IBM PC
Year: 2003
RFG ID #: U-016-S-29930-A
Part #:
UPC: 625904392503
Developer: 3000 AD, Inc
Publisher: Dreamcatcher

Genre: Simulator
Sub-genre: Space Simulator
Players: 1
Controller: Keyboard + Mouse, Joystick
Media Format: CD-ROM x1
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  • 2 of 7621 collectors (0%) have this game in their collection
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Battlecruiser Millennium Gold: Gamestop Edition (BCMG: GE)[/i] is a Space Sim developed by 3000 AD, Inc and published by Dreamcatcher Interactive in 2003. Gold[/i] is the forth and final game in the was the fourth and last release of the Battlecruiser[/i] series (which would evolve into the Battlecruiser[/i] series. The Gamestop Edition[/i] is holds the same content as Gold[/i], but also includes a new campaign path (about 15 new missions). It is marked with a "Special Gamestop Edition" sticker on the front box as well as printing on the CD-ROM.

BCMG:GE[/i] is the very ambitious end to a very ambitious series. Unlike the previous games though, it is very stable with few (if any) crashes. Gameplay centers around flying large, space-born ships (often battlecruisers) and tends to be combat focused, although there are several ships that are not meant for combat, rather for trade and exploration. To this end you can trade with certain space stations and also descend to a planets surface to mine. However, this kind of gameplay tends to be very slow and feels very limited, so combat is recommended. After all, this game is called, Battlecruiser[/i], not merchant miner. Still, I managed to waste scores of hours slowly mining planetary surfaces using drones and wandering about aimlessly. A little bored, mind you, but still playing.

As far as content is concerned, BCMG:GE[/i] exemplifies itself. There are hundreds of planets to find, land on, explore; hundreds of space stations and landing sites to trade at; hundreds of missions to finish across all the career paths, and scores of vehicles (space, land, and air) to pilot. There are also thousands of what the game calls, "Points of Interest" to visit and explore. There is really too much to detail, even in a medium-sized review. You can pilot large space ships, fighters, land vehicles, and run around willy-nilly. You can also get so lost in the interface that you could lose all touch with your native language. Yes, BCM:GE[/i] is complicated, and like most games in the genre, it is very complicated. So much so that I think I could call this the most complicated Space Sim and one of the most complicated games that ever was. And most of this is down to the interface, which is full of enough military-esque acronyms and jargon to choke the most dedicated sim enthusiast. The manual is absolutely necessary, as it is full of content that you will[/i] need in order to play the game. Until you read and understand every part of it you will not be able to play this game properly, much less enjoy it. As someone who played this game extensively back in 2004, I can attest to this.

With the successor of the series, Universal Combat[/i], being such a disappointing bug-fest of random crashes, Battlecruiser Millennium Gold[/i] is the only game out there currently that has this kind of scope. Perhaps if Star Citizen[/i] will if it ever finishes, so until then if you want to set guards so that intruders don't randomly board your your ship and steal your shuttles and space fighters, Battlecruiser Millennium Gold[/i] is the only stable game to do it in.


Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
IBM PC U S Battlecruiser Millenium 3000AD 2001 Simulator
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page Design, HTML Code
Eddie Herrmann: Perl Script
David Murnan: PHP Script
bombatomba: Title Addition, Scans, Control Scheme, UPC, Rating, Subgenre, Review
Anthony Terzi: Release Type

Last Updated: 2016-05-02 05:15:42
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