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Console: Sony PlayStation 2
Year: 2003
RFG ID #: U-072-S-00070-A
Part #: SLUS 97258
UPC: 711719725824
Developer: Harmonix
Publisher: SCEA
T (ESRB): Mild Lyrics

Genre: Music/Rhythm
Players: 1-2
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: DVD
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Collection Stats:

  • 138 of 7635 collectors (1.8%) have this game in their collection
  • 11 of 7635 collectors (0.1%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 1 of 7635 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

Fast, addictive arcade-style gameplay featuring music from major recording artists including Garbage, David Bowie, P.O.D., BT, Weezer, Pink, Dieselboy, blink 182, Run DMC and more!

Mix and remix hit songs within more than 20 immersive levels.

Experience musical immersion with single player gameplay or jump online and play against FreQs nationwide in intense jam sessions!


Ah, the music genre. There are endless ideas on how to make music more prevelent in gaming. Music games seem to be increasingly popular on consoles and Amplitude, follow up to the popular Frequency, is continuing the trend on PlayStation 2. Amplitude is set is a quasi-virtual-DJ-paradise cyberspace environment, with you at the controls. The aim of the game is to basically make music, by reconstructing the different layers of songs. For example, if you take a simple track, you might have drums, bass, guitar and vocals. Amplitude splits up the songs, and you mix 'em back together.

Hard to visualise? Try this. You fly your DJ blaster along the song track blasting as you go. A good sense of rhythm is needed to hit the right places with the right blaster. Confused? Then you'll have to play the game. Rather like the dancing games, getting the right rhythm and sequence is important as you skip from one music line to another. So, you fly along the track, you blast along the drum line, hitting the correct nodes, each releasing the contained sound as you go. Once you complete a section, that track continues automatically for a time, whilst you skip to the bass and do the same. Most songs begin with some form of introduction - and if your timing is good, you can effectively play the track as it is meant to sound.

It sounds complicated, and to a certain extent it is. It requires coordination, rhythm and lots of fingers - then you get all the right noises. Your energy level depends on correctly activating parts of a track, and reaching checkpoints. Of course, you start with a few music tracks and as you progress, more open up for you to - literally - play. There are many memorable artists such as Garbage and POD. There are plenty of unlockables and lots of fun to be had. If you can, pick up a copy of this game. It'll last a while and can always be picked up again.


Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Sony PlayStation 2 A S Amplitude Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 2003 Music/Rhythm
Sony PlayStation 2 FR, DE, IT, NL S Amplitude Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 2003 Music/Rhythm
Sony PlayStation 2 United Kingdom S Amplitude Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 2003 Music/Rhythm
Sony PlayStation 2 France S Amplitude Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 2003 Music/Rhythm
Sony PlayStation 2 Italy S Amplitude Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 2003 Music/Rhythm
Sony PlayStation 2 PT, ES S Amplitude Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) 2003 Music/Rhythm
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Amplitude P.O.D. [Demo] SCEA 2003 Music/Rhythm
Related Games:

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Frequency Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2001 Music/Rhythm
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
douglie007: Misc
Anthony Terzi: Misc, Related Games
Tondog: Developer, Players
Fuyukaze: Scans, misc.
Tony Bowe: UPC, Players, Genre, Publisher
Mezmoron: Review
Paully3433: Tie-In
Shadow Kisuragi: Related Games
Schlibby: Demo removed as related

Last Updated: 2019-05-22 13:47:47
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