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Console Reg. Type Title ^ Publisher Year Genre Qty Box Man
Sony PlayStation 2 U S 007: Agent Under Fire Electronic Arts 2001 Shooter 0 0 0
ColecoVision U S 2010: The Graphic Action Game Coleco 1985 Action 0 0 0
Sega Genesis U S 6-Pak Sega 1995 Compilation 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies [Greatest Hits] Namco 2004 Simulator 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation U S Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere Namco 2000 Simulator 0 0 0
Atari 7800 U S Ace of Aces Atari 1989 Simulator 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Activision Anthology Activision 2002 Compilation 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation U S Activision Classics: A Collection of Activision Classic Games for the Atari 2600 Activision 1998 Compilation 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Activision Decathlon, The Activision 1983 Sports 0 0 0
Mattel Intellivision U S Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Mattel 1982 RPG 0 0 0
Mattel Intellivision U S Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: The Treasure of Tarmin [White Label] INTV 1986 RPG 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Adventure [Picture Label] Atari 1981 Action/Adventure 0 0 0
Sega Genesis U S Adventures of Mighty Max, The [ESRB Rerelease] Ocean 1994 Platformer 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Adventures of Tron M Network 1983 Action 0 0 0
Microsoft Xbox Live Arcade U S Aegis Wing Microsoft 2007 Shooter 0 0 0
Nintendo Game Boy Advance U S Aggressive Inline Acclaim 2002 Sports 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Air Raiders [White Label] INTV 1986 Simulator 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Air-Sea Battle [Picture Label] Atari 1981 Shooter 0 0 0
Sega Genesis U S Aladdin, Disney's Sega 1993 Platformer 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano Valcon Games 2006 Racing 0 0 0
Nintendo Virtual Console / WiiWare U S Alien Crush Hudson 2006 Game Simulator 0 0 0
Nintendo Virtual Console / WiiWare U S Alien Crush Returns Hudson Soft 2008 Game Simulator 0 0 0
Nintendo Game Boy U S Alleyway Nintendo 1989 Action 0 0 0
Nintendo Virtual Console / WiiWare U S Altered Beast [Sega Genesis Version] Sega 2006 Action/Adventure 0 0 0
Nintendo GameCube U S Animal Crossing Nintendo 2002 Simulator 0 0 0
Nintendo Game Boy U S Arcade Classic #2: Centipede & Millipede Nintendo 1995 Compilation 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Arcade Pinball [Text Label] Sears 1981 Game Simulator 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation U S Area 51 Midway 1996 Shooter 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Area 51 Midway 2005 Shooter 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Arena Football EA Sports 2006 Sports 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Asteroids Atari 1981 Classic Shooter 0 0 0
Atari 7800 U S Asteroids Atari 1986 Classic Shooter 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation U S Asteroids Activision 1998 Shooter 0 0 0
Mattel Intellivision U S Astrosmash Mattel 1981 Classic Shooter 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation U S Atari Anniversary Edition Redux Infogrames 2001 Compilation 0 0 0
Microsoft Xbox U S Atari Anthology Atari 2004 Compilation 0 0 0
Mattel Intellivision U S Atlantis Imagic 1982 Classic Shooter 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Atlantis [Picture Label - Day Scene] Imagic 1982 Shooter 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S ATV Offroad Fury Sony Computer Entertainment America 2001 Racing 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S ATV Offroad Fury 2 Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) 2002 Racing 0 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II Vivendi Games 2004 RPG 0 0 0
Atari 7800 U S Ballblazer [Rerelease - 1988 - Red End Label] Atari 1988 Sports 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Barnstorming Activision 1982 Action/Adventure 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Basic Math [Numbered - 61] Atari 1977 Education 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S BASIC Programming [Picture Label] Atari 1981 Non-Game 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Basketball [Picture Label] Atari 1981 Sports 0 0 0
Nintendo Game Boy U S Battletoads Tradewest 1991 Action 0 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Battletoads Tradewest 1991 Action 0 0 0
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Bayonetta Sega 2010 Action/Adventure 0 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Beamrider Activision 1984 Shooter 0 0 0

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