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ChuChu Rocket! [Dreamkey 1.5]
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Box Front
Box Front

Box Back
Box Back

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Console: Sega Dreamcast
Region: FR France
DE Germany
ES Spain
GB United Kingdom
Year: 2000
RFG ID #: E-071-S-00220-A
Part #: MK-51049-50
UPC: 5060004760473
Developer: Sega
Publisher: Sega
All Ages (USK)

3+ (ELSPA)


Genre: Puzzle
Players: 1-4
Controller: Standard Controller, Arcade Stick, Keyboard
Media Format: GD-ROM x1
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Collection Stats:

  • 107 of 7634 collectors (1.4%) have this game in their collection
  • 0 of 7634 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 1 of 7634 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

From the back of the box: ChuChu Rocket! exclusive to Dreamcast, offers a new on-line gaming experience in the form of a 4-player, adrenaline paced puzzle game. You can enjoy this wildly addictive game with friends, in the confines of your home, or over the internet against complete strangers! just lead the mice to a rocket while protecting them from the vicious cats along the way. ChuChu Rocket! - the concept is simple, but the challenge is never ending... The network gaming/internet browser function only available in UK, France, Germany and Spain.

Without a doubt the most common PAL Dreamcast game. It's brilliant though. The internet option won't work anymore, but this game is a lot of fun offline too. There are 2 modes with 50 playing fields in total. If this isn't enough, you could download more fields or make them yourself.
    This game is:
  • Arcade Stick Compatible
  • Visual Memory Compatible
  • Keyboard Compatible
  • VGA Compatible
  • Playable online
Extra Media:

This game has been released in 2 slightly different packagings. One has DreamKey 1.5 included, and mentions this on the front of the box. The back of the front insert has some information about online gaming.

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Sega Dreamcast FR, DE, ES, GB S ChuChu Rocket! Sega 2000 Puzzle
Sega Dreamcast FR, DE, ES, GB S ChuChu Rocket! [Dreamkey 1.5 - Alternative UPC] Sega 2000 Puzzle
Sega Dreamcast J S ChuChu Rocket! Sega 1999 Puzzle
Sega Dreamcast J S ChuChu Rocket! [Color Controller Bundle] Sega 1999 Puzzle
Sega Dreamcast U S ChuChu Rocket! Sega 2000 Puzzle
FAQ's/External Links:

Chu Chu Rocket at GameRankings.com.

Because of time and bandwith issues only the english part of the manual has been scanned.

Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code.
Mark Hartholt: scans, Overview, Extra Media.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
Alabama-Shrimp: Part Number
Speedy_NES: Miscellaneous data
David Murnan: Misc
Sirgin: Title edit, Part number, Rating
ga5ket: Misc
Shadow Kisuragi: Region Edit
toze3: Part#, UPC
Schlibby: UPC, var title
mumboking: Scans

Last Updated: 2021-02-18 12:06:07
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