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Wrecking Crew
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Console: Nintendo Famicom
Year: 1985
RFG ID #: J-027-S-03140-A
Part #: HVC-WR
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Action/Adventure
Sub-genre: Action Puzzle
Players: 1-2
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: Cartridge 40 KB
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Collection Stats:

  • 21 of 7627 collectors (0.2%) have this game in their collection
  • 1 of 7627 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 0 of 7627 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo NES FR, NL S Wrecking Crew [5 Screw] Nintendo 1987 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES Canada S Wrecking Crew [3 Screw] Nintendo 1987 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES Canada S Wrecking Crew [5 Screw] Nintendo 1986 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES U S Wrecking Crew [3 Screw - Oval Seal] Nintendo 1989 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES U S Wrecking Crew [3 Screw - Round Seal] Nintendo 1987 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES U S Wrecking Crew [5 Screw] Nintendo 1985 Action/Adventure
Samurai Electronic TV Game System I S Wrecking Crew Nintendo / Samurai 1989 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES FR, NL S Wrecking Crew [3 Screw - Oval Seal] Nintendo 1989 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES FR, NL S Wrecking Crew [3 Screw - Round Seal] Nintendo 1988 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES C S Wrecking Crew Nintendo 1987 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES Spain S Wrecking Crew Nintendo 1991 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES AU, IT, GB S Wrecking Crew [3 Screw] Nintendo / Mattel Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES Germany S Wrecking Crew [3 Screw] Nintendo 1988 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES Germany S Wrecking Crew [5 Screw] Nintendo 1987 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES AU, IT, GB S Wrecking Crew [5 Screw] Nintendo / Mattel 1987 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES DK, FI, NO, SE S Wrecking Crew [3 Screw] Nintendo 1988 Action/Adventure
Nintendo NES DK, FI, NO, SE S Wrecking Crew [5 Screw] Nintendo 1987 Action/Adventure
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page Design, HTML Code
Eddie Herrmann: Perl Script
David Murnan: PHP Script
ApolloBoy: Title Addition, Scans, UPC, cart size
Flee: Subgenre
rayquazaflygon: Scans

Last Updated: 2021-09-14 00:49:45
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