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Berzerk [Rerelease - 1985]
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Console: Atari 2600
Year: 1985
RFG ID #: U-005-S-00500-B
Part #: CX2650
Developer: Dan Hitchens
Publisher: Atari
Genre: Classic Shooter
Sub-genre: 2D Top-Down Run 'n Gun
Players: 1-2
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: Cartridge 4 KB
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Collection Stats:

  • 11 of 7634 collectors (0.1%) have this game in their collection
  • 0 of 7634 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 0 of 7634 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

From the manual

The astro date is 3200 and you are the last survivor of a small group of earth people who came to explore the planet Mazeon. Soon after landing, you discovered the planet is a dark, apparently uninhabitable place. But by then it was too late to turn back because your space craft had been destroyed by Automazeons. Now you are a prisoner here. You are trapped in a maze where even the walls are death to touch. Grim robot thugs known as "Automazeons" stalk you relentlessly and you must systematically pulverize them with your laser gun before they eliminate you with theirs. You are never safe on the planet Mazeon. Even when you've destroyed the mechanical heavies, Evil Otto, the mad and merciless mind behind the robot gangs, leaps out from where he's been observing the battle. You flee in panic because you know that you cannot kill Evil Otto and that, once he catches you, you'll never escape. He will pound you to a lifeless pulp, grinning like a maniac all the while. Your only hope is to get out of the maze before Evil Otto catches you. If you do get out, you find yourself in another maze. Again the faceless rpbots shoot at you, again Evil Otto pursues you, again you must dodge and shoot and run... into yet another maze. It's enough to drive you bonkers!

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Atari 2600 New Zealand S Berzerk Atari 1983 Classic Shooter
Atari 2600 E S Berzerk Atari 1982 Classic Shooter
Atari 2600 E S Berzerk [Rerelease] Atari 1985 Classic Shooter
Atari 2600 FR, DE, IT, ES, GB S Berzerk [Enhanced Edition] Atari 2023 Classic Shooter
Atari 2600 J S Berzerk Atari 1983 Classic Shooter
Atari 2600 U S Berzerk Atari 1982 Classic Shooter
Atari 2600 U S Berzerk [Rerelease - 1987] Atari 1987 Classic Shooter
Atari 2600 Canada S Berzerk Atari 1982 Classic Shooter
Atari 2600 U S Berzerk [Enhanced Edition] Atari 2023 Classic Shooter
Atari 2600 U S Berzerk [Picture Label] Sears 1982 Classic Shooter
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page Design, HTML Code
Eddie Herrmann: Perl Script
David Murnan: PHP Script
ApolloBoy: Variation Addition, variation title edit
Robert Ringstad (logical123): Screenshots
Scott Williams: Type of Release
Flee: Subgenre, Genre
Lee Jones: Overview

Last Updated: 2018-04-11 18:14:36
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