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Breakout [Text Label]
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Console: Atari 2600
Year: 1978
RFG ID #: U-005-S-00650-A
Part #: CX2622
Developer: Brad Stewart
Publisher: Atari
Genre: Action
Sub-genre: Breakout
Players: 1-4
Controller: Paddle Controller
Media Format: Cartridge 2 KB
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Collection Stats:

  • 204 of 7628 collectors (2.6%) have this game in their collection
  • 2 of 7628 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 2 of 7628 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.
Extra Media:


Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Atari 2600 U S Breakaway IV [Text Label - 6-99813] Sears 1978 Action
Atari 2600 U S Breakaway IV [Picture Label] Sears 1982 Action
Atari 2600 U S Breakaway IV [Text Label - 49-75107] Sears 1980 Action
Atari 2600 E S Breakout [Picture Label] Atari 1981 Action
Atari 2600 E S Breakout [Text Label] Atari 1978 Action
Atari 2600 E S Breakout [Rerelease] Atari 1986 Action
Atari 2600 U S Breakout [Picture Label] Atari 1981 Action
Atari 2600 U S Breakout [Rerelease - Orange Label] Atari 1986 Action
Atari 2600 U S Breakout ["Use With Joystick Controllers" Error] Atari 1986 Action
Atari 2600 Canada S Breakout [Text Label] Atari 1978 Action
Game Credits:

Programmed by Brad Stewart.
Page Credits:

Apolloboy: Misc Info
Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code, scans.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
Mike Swindell: extra media
Samada: Scans
Belgarath: Misc
Scott Williams: Developer, Type of Release
ApolloBoy: Cart size, variation title
Keith Brown (Tan): Genre edit
Mike Fox (NES_Rules): Scans
Robert Ringstad (logical123): Screenshots
Flee: Genre, Subgenre
Lee Jones: Game Credits

Last Updated: 2018-04-12 03:59:33
Site content Copyright © 2008 rfgeneration.com unless otherwise noted.