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Nintendo NES
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Part #:
Hudson Soft
Hudson Soft
2D Platformer
Standard Controller
Media Format:
Cartridge 1 Meg
Collection Stats:
- 254 of 7635 collectors (3.3%) have this game in their collection
- 16 of 7635 collectors (0.2%) have this game in their wishlist.
- 0 of 7635 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.
Crabmaster2000's Review:
Adventure Island plays very similar to most other Platformers of the time.
Objective: run to the right and get to the end. Fight a boss at the end of the fourth level. Repeat.
A few things make this game unique however.
Its absolutely insane how many secrets are stashed away. From power ups, to score boosters to secret levels there is a good chance you'll just stumble across a heap of them by accident. The down side is that if you are moving too quickly you'll uncover the secret, but it will have left the screen by the time you realized what you'd done. This is quite frustrating, because they are extremely helpful most times.
Master Higgins (who looks an awful lot like an 8-bit Ron Jeremy) is your character. He starts with absolutely no offensive or defensive moves. He is vulnerable to anything. After cracking open a few eggs you'll hopefully have found a Tomahawk to use as a weapon. In later levels this Tomahawk is so important it can make a level that seems impossible without it like a cakewalk when equipped. If you're lucky enough to find a secret egg with the Fireball upgrade, you'll be one happy Higgins. Now he can destroy rocks and boulders. Also very helpful in later levels.
In addition to the levels all ready being pretty challenging by themselves, you're on the clock. But not just a standard timer. A power meter will slowly be depleting as you run around and can only be filled by eating. So grabbing fruits, vegetables, and the occasional milk hatched from an egg will keep you alive long enough to fight the Witch Doctor who stole your lady friend.
This game is well known for its intense difficulty, but I was saddened by the lack of variety and challenge when facing the boss of each level. Its the same guy every time. The only difference is he is wearing a different mask and takes a few more hits.
All in all this is actually a very short game, but the extremely high (yet fair, unlike some NES games) difficulty should keep you busy for some time. I should be able to beat this game in around an hour, but because of all the deaths and restarts it ends up taking me closer to four. Its a great game and if you missed out on it or just haven't played in a while, I encourage you to find a copy and give it solid chance.
Extra Media:
Magazine Print Ad
Page Credits:
Michael Collins: |
Page Design, HTML Code
Eddie Herrmann: |
Perl Script
David Murnan: |
PHP Script
ApolloBoy: |
Variation Addition, genre, subgenre
Speedy_NES: |
Shadow Kisuragi: |
Release Type
Crabmaster2000: |
Review, Screenshots
Flee: |
Bear78: |
Last Updated: 2018-07-15 20:12:23 |