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Adventure Island 3
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Console: Nintendo NES
Year: 1992
RFG ID #: U-027-S-00150-A
Part #: NES-AT-USA
UPC: 039854000195
Developer: Hudson Soft / Now Production
Publisher: Hudson Soft
Genre: Platformer
Sub-genre: 2D Platformer
Players: 1
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: Cartridge 2 Meg
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Collection Stats:

  • 191 of 7629 collectors (2.5%) have this game in their collection
  • 42 of 7629 collectors (0.5%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 4 of 7629 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

Jeannie Jungle Kidnapped by Space Aliens! What's a hero to do? A mysterious flying saucer just made off with Master Higgins' girlfriend and it's up to him to save her! But first he must defeat scores of mutated monsters across eight uncharted islands! Fly a dive-bombing pterodactyl or ride under the waves on a sea serpent in search of the missing Jeannie Jungle! Battle your way through all new dangers and challenges on the biggest Adventure Island yet! Find secret treasure chambers, surf through killer waves and grab all the bonus items you can handle as you master each realm! Action, adventure and more await you in this thrilling addition to the Adventure Island saga! - A new dinosaur friend joins Master Higgins' team of wild reptiles! - Collect Power Crystals to gain temporary invulnerability! - Hours of entertainment for the whole family to enjoy!


Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo Famicom J S Takahashi Meijin no Boukenjima III Hudson Soft 1992 Action/Adventure
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code, screenshots.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
Rick Johnson: Part number
atari_wizard: scans
Mezmoron: Misc Info, Overview.
Speedy_NES: scans, title correction, miscellaneous data.
Scott Williams: Publisher correction
wrldstrman: scans
ApolloBoy: UPC, cart size, correct UPC, subgenre, variation tie-in, genre
Shadow Kisuragi: Release Type

Last Updated: 2019-10-27 20:45:16
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