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Alex Kidd: High-Tech World
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Console: Sega Master System
Year: 1989
RFG ID #: U-031-S-00040-A
Part #: 5116
UPC: 010086051162
Developer: Sega
Publisher: Sega
Genre: Action/Adventure
Players: 1
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: Cartridge 1 Meg
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Collection Stats:

  • 113 of 7634 collectors (1.4%) have this game in their collection
  • 15 of 7634 collectors (0.1%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 1 of 7634 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

From the back of the box:

Alex Kidd: High-Tech Wrodl

Get ready to join the Kidd in his third great Sega adventure! Being the Crown Prince of Planet Aries is never easy. On top of being a galactic hero, you have to deal with parents, teachers and palace retainers! But you're a Kidd at heart, and you just have to go to the new High-Tech World video arcade to play the newest Sega games!
The problem is, the map to the arcade has been torn up into eight pieces and hidden in the castle. As you look for the pieces you'll discover just how weird life in a castle can be! If you find them, you'll have to fight your way through a forest willed with blue Ninjas. Survive this ordeal and you'll have to find a travel pass in the village to make it over the border!
It's a game of wits, intrigue, action and excitement. There's even a PASSWORD so you can save games. Survive all the obstacles and you'll play in the hottest arcade in the land. But if you don't get there before the 5:00 closing time, you'll be left out in the cold! Better hurry!


Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Sega Master System Brazil S Alex Kidd: High-Tech World Tec Toy 1991 Action/Adventure
Sega Master System E S Alex Kidd: High-Tech World [No ®] Sega 1989 Action/Adventure
Sega Master System E S Alex Kidd: High-Tech World [With ®] Sega 1989 Action/Adventure
Sega Master System U S Alex Kidd: High-Tech World [Sega for the 90s] Sega 1990 Action/Adventure
Sega Master System Canada S Alex Kidd: High-Tech World Sega 1989 Action/Adventure
Sega Master System / Mark III J S Anmitsu Hime Sega 1987 Adventure
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code, screenshots.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
Scott Williams: scans
Keith B. (Tan): Screenshots, Players, Media, Part #, Developer
Keith Brown (Tan): UPC
ApolloBoy: cart size
Shadow Kisuragi: Title
josulli3: Overview

Last Updated: 2015-05-08 12:31:42
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