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American Gladiators
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Console: Nintendo SNES
Year: 1993
RFG ID #: U-044-S-00280-A
Part #: SNS-AA-USA
UPC: 043948510101
Developer: Imagitec Design
Publisher: GameTek
Genre: Sports
Sub-genre: Mini-Games
Players: 1-2
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: Cartridge
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Collection Stats:

  • 66 of 7634 collectors (0.8%) have this game in their collection
  • 4 of 7634 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 0 of 7634 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

American Gladiators is some of the most god-awful crap I have ever played. Let's just get that out of the way right now. This might be worse than Shaq-Fu. The graphics aren't as good, but the game play is a little bit better. Any way you look at it, it's a close race.

American Gladiators is based on the early 90s television show of the same name. In the game (and the show) competitors (the players) square off against steroid-pumped freaks known as Gladiators, as well as each other, in a series of athletic events. These events include The Joust, The Eliminator, and The Gauntlet. I really wish The Gauntlet in this game were more like the Atari Gauntlet, which was fun and enjoyable. This Gauntlet just made me want to poke my eyes out with a stick.

Forgiving the horrible graphics and the annoying sound, the major problem with American Gladiators is that most of the events are completely uncontrollable piles of cow dung. I played The Joust three times and I'm still not entirely sure if the buttons I pushed actually had any effect on what my player was doing. Worse was The Eliminator, which made sense but was just stupid. The object of The Eliminator is to push the L and R buttons as fast as possible to keep your character running through the obstacle course. This is an endurance test, but does not require any real skill or hand-eye coordination. It is also not fun. None of the events are fun.

I also noticed that when I chose to play as a "Female" at the beginning of the game, my character still looked exactly like a "Male".After many hours of contemplation, I decided this was not a mistake on the part of the developers. Anyone who lived through the early 90s knows that the female Gladiators pretty much looked like men anyway.

After playing through American Gladiators several times and choosing not to kill myself, I discovered that the most entertaining aspect of the game was entering funny words in the "Enter Your Name" screen. "Penis" and "Vagina" are always good, and "sex" is a classic. Yup, you could spend hours just entering all kinds of neat-o words into the "Enter Your Name" screen.

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Related Games:

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo NES U S American Gladiators GameTek 1991 Sports
Sega Genesis U S American Gladiators GameTek 1992 Sports
Game Trivia:

  • Was also released on Sega Genesis and NES.
  • Is based on the hit TV show of the same name.
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code, data entry, screenshots.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
The Evil Leon:
Mike Leon: Review, related games, game trivia
Scott Williams: scans
logical123: Various Info
ApolloBoy: Year, developer, players, removed subjective trivia, removed unrelated games, review punctuation fix
Flee: Scans, Subgenre, Screenshots

Last Updated: 2017-04-08 07:40:55
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