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Adventures of Willy Beamish, The
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Console: Sega CD
Year: 1993
RFG ID #: U-048-S-00040-A
Part #: T-6300
UPC: 020626436083
Developer: Infinite Laser Dog
Publisher: Dynamix
Genre: Adventure
Sub-genre: Point & Click
Players: 1
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: CD-ROM x1
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Collection Stats:

  • 96 of 7628 collectors (1.2%) have this game in their collection
  • 6 of 7628 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 2 of 7628 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

From the back of the box:

Can you say "seriously deep doo doo" boys and girls?

Your tag-along little sister-Just how hard would you have to push to get her swing to do a loop?

Ancient Ms. Glass, the English teacher-Hey kiddies, can you spell "cardiac arrest?"

Good 'ol mom and dad-dump 'em fast, dump 'em now, look cute and blame everything on your sister.

Welcome to the seriously warped world of Willy Beamish. You'll face neurotic yuppie parents, teachers on the edge, a ghostly grandfather back from the grave, the baby-sitter from hell, and a plot to plow the city's sewer system sky high. It's chaotic, it's juvenile, it's definitely deranged and you're gonna love every minute of it!


  • A majorly mental cast of characters (that really talk).
  • Excellent animation from some of the world's greatest animators. Looks like Saturday morning cartoons!
  • Truly wicked puzzles and an outrageous original sound track!
Game Trivia:

  • The Sega CD version of the game uses MIDI files for its music. These can be played back on a computer, although some of the instruments will obviously sound wrong due to different hardware. Some of the MIDI files on the disc actually seem to go with scenes that were taken out of the Sega CD version (like the dream sequence in the beginning of the PC version that is gone from the Sega CD version). The music pitch in this version is also a bit lower than the PC version's music (although, the pitch is correct when you play the MIDI files on a computer).
  • The Sega CD version sadly has several bugs that were not present in the PC original. If you skip dialog too quickly (before the character animation starts), the graphics become glitched, and in other times, this can cause the game to completely freeze up.
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code, scans.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
segasimon: scans
Shadow Kisuragi: Part #, UPC, Developer
ApolloBoy: Year, subgenre, players
tpgb12: Year, Scans, Trivia
josulli3: Overview
Flee: Genre

Last Updated: 2018-08-19 06:21:50
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