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Final Fantasy IX [Greatest Hits - Square Enix, Initial Printing]
Front Back Screenshot Game Manual

Box Front
Box Front

Box Back
Box Back

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Console: Sony PlayStation
RFG ID #: U-061-S-04130-C
Part #: SLUS-01251GH, 01295GH, 01297GH
UPC: 662248900100
Developer: Square
Publisher: Square Enix
T (ESRB): Animated Violence , Mild Language

Genre: RPG
Players: 1
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: CD-ROM x4
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Collection Stats:

  • 65 of 7627 collectors (0.8%) have this game in their collection
  • 2 of 7627 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 0 of 7627 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.
Extra Media:

Official Strategy Guide - BradyGames - FrontPSM magazine 37- Sept 2000
BradyGames Official Strategy Guide- Exclusive Poster Edition
Ad - The Crystal Comes Back

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Sony PlayStation Italy S Final Fantasy IX Squaresoft 2001 RPG
Sony PlayStation Canada S Final Fantasy IX [Greatest Hits] Squaresoft 2000 RPG
Sony PlayStation Canada S Final Fantasy IX Squaresoft 2000 RPG
Sony PlayStation U S Final Fantasy IX [Greatest Hits - Square Enix, Third Printing] Square Enix RPG
Sony PlayStation U S Final Fantasy IX [Greatest Hits - Square Enix, Second Printing] Square Enix RPG
Sony PlayStation U S Final Fantasy IX [Greatest Hits - Squaresoft] Squaresoft 2000 RPG
Sony PlayStation U S Final Fantasy IX Squaresoft 2000 RPG
Sony PlayStation J S Final Fantasy IX [Ultimate Hits] Square Enix 2006 RPG
Sony PlayStation J S Final Fantasy IX Squaresoft 2000 RPG
Sony PlayStation Spain S Final Fantasy IX Squaresoft 2001 RPG
Sony PlayStation Spain S Final Fantasy IX [Platinum] Infogrames Europe 2002 RPG
Sony PlayStation A S Final Fantasy IX Squaresoft 2001 RPG
Sony PlayStation Italy S Final Fantasy IX [Platinum] Infogrames 2002 RPG
Sony PlayStation France S Final Fantasy IX Squaresoft 2001 RPG
Sony PlayStation France S Final Fantasy IX [Platinum] Infogrames Europe 2002 RPG
Sony PlayStation Germany S Final Fantasy IX Squaresoft 2001 RPG
Sony PlayStation Germany S Final Fantasy IX [Platinum - Redesigned Yellow USK Logo] Infogrames Europe RPG
Sony PlayStation Germany S Final Fantasy IX [Platinum - Original Yellow USK Logo] Infogrames Europe 2001 RPG
Sony PlayStation United Kingdom S Final Fantasy IX Square Europe 2001 RPG
Sony PlayStation United Kingdom S Final Fantasy IX [Platinum] Infogrames 2001 RPG
Sony PlayStation Netherlands S Final Fantasy IX Squaresoft 2001 RPG
Sony PlayStation C S Final Fantasy IX Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) 2000 RPG
Game Trivia:

  • This variation was the first print run by Square Enix.
  • Variation Identification:
    • The back box art was updated with the new ESRB branding, which was placed on the left side instead of the right side.
    • The CD-ROMs appear shiny. Later printings used sticker labels instead of printing on the CD-ROM.
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page Design, HTML Code
Eddie Herrmann: Perl Script
David Murnan: PHP Script
Jason Dvorak / Game-Rave.com: Variation Addition
Anthony Terzi: Misc
blcklblskt: Misc, Photos
ixtaileddemonfox: upc
Shadow Kisuragi: Release Type, Variation Title, Trivia, Rating Content
Necron99: Scans
Zagnorch: Photos
Raidou: Scans

Last Updated: 2016-05-28 21:25:46
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