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Clay Fighter 63 1/3
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Alternate Title:Clayfighter 63 1/3
Console: Nintendo 64
Year: 1997
RFG ID #: U-064-S-00450-A
UPC: 040421641673
Developer: Interplay
Publisher: Interplay
T (ESRB): Comic Mischief , Mild Animated Violence

Genre: Fighting
Sub-genre: Vs.
Players: 1-2
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: Cartridge x1
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Collection Stats:

  • 184 of 7635 collectors (2.4%) have this game in their collection
  • 20 of 7635 collectors (0.2%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 2 of 7635 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

Get Ready To Crumble!

Once again, the clay fighters prove that when you play a state-of-the-art fighter, you might lose lives, you might lose limbs, but there's no reason to lose your sense of humor.

3D BREAKTHROUGH ATTACKS. Fight in and out of 3D backgrounds. Get tossed out of a window and resume fighting outside.

CHARACTERS. Choose from 12 eccentric fighters including brand new combatants and old favorites like "Bad Mister Frosty" and "Bonker, the clown."

SHHH. Includes bonus "secret characters" who are so famous that a legal gag order prohibits us from revealing their identity.

MOVEMENT. Move freely in over 12 highly detailed 3D environments.

CUSTOM PERSPECTIVES. Dramatic free-floating camera creates a unique fighting experience with each match.

COMBAT FEATURES. Whack your foes with "Situation Hits", "Brutal-Combos", "Juggling", "Air Blocking", "Body Morphing", "Falling Obstacles", special "Claytalities", "Parrying", "In-Game Taunts", "Running" and much, much more.

Extra Media:

Back of manualNintendo Power 97

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo 64 Brazil S Clay Fighter 63 1/3 Interplay/Gradiente 1997 Fighting
Nintendo 64 FR, DE S Clay Fighter 63 1/3 Interplay 1997 Fighting
Nintendo 64 IT, ES, GB S Clay Fighter 63 1/3 Interplay 1997 Fighting
Related Games:

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo 64 U S Clay Fighter: Sculptor's Cut Interplay 1998 Fighting
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
tylerwillis: scans
Mezmoron: Scans
Robert Ringstad (logical123): Misc Info, Overview
Mike Fox (NES_Rules): Title Edit
tigerhandheld1989: Scans, Photos
blcklblskt: Related Games, Screenshots
raffa1985: Variation Tie-In
techwizard: Scans
Zagnorch: Photos

Last Updated: 2014-10-11 01:06:15
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