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Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time [Collector's Edition]
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Console: Nintendo 64
Year: 1998
RFG ID #: U-064-S-01160-B
UPC: 045496870386
Developer: Nintendo EAD
Publisher: Nintendo
E (ESRB): Animated Violence

Genre: Action/Adventure
Sub-genre: Action/Adventure
Players: 1
Controller: Standard
Media Format: Cartridge x1
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Collection Stats:

  • 331 of 7634 collectors (4.3%) have this game in their collection
  • 20 of 7634 collectors (0.2%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 0 of 7634 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

Ganondorf, the evil King of Thieves, is on the move, threatening the peaceful land of Hyrule. He is determined to steal his way into the legendary Sacred Realm in hopes of harnessing the power of the mythical Triforce. As the young hero Link, it is your destiny to thwart Ganondorf's evil schemes. Navi, your guardian fairy, will guide you as you venture through the many regions of Hyrule, from the volcanic caves of Death Mountain to the treacherous waters of Zora's Domain. Before you complete this epic quest, you'll delve into deadly dungeons, collect weapons of great power and learn the spells you need to conquer the most irresistible force of all-time.
  • The immersive storyline and environments draw players into an amazing 3D world.
  • Time travel allows you to play as Link in different stages of his life.
  • New gameplay features include a unique targeting system and 1st and 3rd person perspectives.
  • Up to three games can be saved simultaneously to memory!

(Overview from game case.)
Extra Media:


Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo 64 A S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time [Collectors Edition] Nintendo 1998 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 Brazil S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Nintendo / Gradiente 1998 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 Taiwan S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 1998 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 Hong Kong S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 1998 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 DK, FI, NO, SE S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 1998 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 Germany S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 1998 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 United Kingdom S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 1998 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 FR, NL S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 1998 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 IT, ES S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 1998 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 U S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 1998 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 U S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time [Players Choice Million Seller] Nintendo 1999 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 U S Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time [Not for Resale] Nintendo Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 J S Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina Nintendo 1998 Action/Adventure
Game Trivia:

Gold Colored Cartridge
Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page Design, HTML Code
Eddie Herrmann: Perl Script
David Murnan: PHP Script
zodiacprime: Variation Addition, Game Trivia
Kevin Christensen: Part Number, UPC, Developer, Subgenre edit, Players edit, Control Scheme, Media Quantity edit, Game, Scans
Magewout: Title correction, UPC edit, Players edit, Media Quantity
lovablechevy: Genre edit, Photos
Keith Brown (Tan): Photos, Misc
audioman83: Variation Title, Part Number, Developer
techwizard: Variation Title
blcklblskt: Screenshots
Mike Fox (NES_Rules): Release Type
raffa1985: Photos
Zagnorch: Photos
kaysow: Overview
Shadow Kisuragi: Misc
Flee: Photos, Extra Media Edit
Bear78: Photos
Jacques Paul: HTML Fix, Misc, Edit

Last Updated: 2023-06-05 07:22:55
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