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Turok 2: Seeds of Evil [Players Choice Million Seller]
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Box Front
Box Front

Box Back
Box Back

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Console: Nintendo 64
Year: 1998
RFG ID #: U-064-S-02631-A
Part #: NUS-NT2E-USA
UPC: 021481641551
Developer: Iguana Entertainment
Publisher: Acclaim
M (ESRB): Animated Blood and Gore , Animated Violence

Genre: Shooter
Sub-genre: First Person Shooter
Players: 1-4
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: x1
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Collection Stats:

  • 30 of 7628 collectors (0.3%) have this game in their collection
  • 2 of 7628 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 1 of 7628 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.
Extra Media:

Poster - Front
Poster - Back
Consumer Information and Precautions Booklet
Warranty Card - Front
Warranty Card - Back
Special Note Sheet
BradyGames Official Strategy Guide
Acclaim Official Strategy Guide
Nintendo Power 113

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Nintendo 64 A S Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Acclaim 1998 Shooter
Nintendo 64 Brazil S Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Acclaim / Gradiente 1998 Shooter
Nintendo 64 Brazil S Turok 2: Seeds of Evil [Grey Cartridge] Acclaim / Gradiente 1998 Shooter
Nintendo 64 C S Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Acclaim 1998 Shooter
Nintendo 64 United Kingdom S Turok 2: Seeds of Evil [PAL DEMO ONLY - Not For Resale] Acclaim 1998 Shooter
Nintendo 64 United Kingdom S Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Acclaim 1998 Shooter
Nintendo 64 United Kingdom S Turok 2: Seeds of Evil [Dixons Exclusive with CD] Acclaim 1998 Shooter
Nintendo 64 Germany S Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Acclaim 1998 Shooter
Nintendo 64 FR, NL S Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Acclaim 1998 Action/Adventure
Nintendo 64 U S Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Acclaim 1998 Shooter
Nintendo 64 U S Turok 2: Seeds of Evil [DEMO ONLY - Not For Resale] Acclaim 1998 Shooter
Nintendo 64 J S Violence Killer: Turok New Generation Acclaim 1999 Shooter
Game Trivia:

The standard release (non-Players Choice) of Turok 2 was released as a black cartridge whereas the Players Choice Million Seller version was released as a grey cartridge. The grey cartridge did not have the Players Choice logo on the cartridge label. The box for the Players Choice version was the same as the initial print run, however, it had a Players Choice sticker on the top right corner. Copies with the sticker on the box itself (underneath the factory seal) will contain a grey cartridge; copies with the sticker on the factory seal itself will be black cartridges, as these copies were inventory manufactured prior to Turok 2 becoming a Players Choice title.

Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page Design, HTML Code
Eddie Herrmann: Perl Script
David Murnan: PHP Script
audioman83: Variation Addition
blcklblskt: Genre, Players, Screenshots, Photos, Scans, Part Number edit, Trivia Typo fix, Subgenre, Game Trivia, Variation Title
Shadow Kisuragi: Rating, Misc
Mike Fox (NES_Rules): Trvia, Release Type
Zagnorch: Photos
Fleabitten: Title Edit

Last Updated: 2020-02-26 22:54:37
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