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AeroWings 2: Airstrike
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Console: Sega Dreamcast
Year: 2000
RFG ID #: U-071-S-00060-A
Part #: T-40210N
UPC: 650008799217
Developer: CRI
Publisher: Crave Entertainment
E (ESRB): Animated Violence

Genre: Simulator
Players: 1-2
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: GD-ROM x1
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Collection Stats:

  • 57 of 7635 collectors (0.7%) have this game in their collection
  • 11 of 7635 collectors (0.1%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 1 of 7635 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

This overview refers to the European version of this game.

From the back of the box: Hit the afterburners, you're locked on to AeroWings 2: Air Strike! Put yourself in the cockpits of the most awesome military machines to grace the skies, and prepare for gut wrenching aerial combat that will take your breath away. Aviators can push themselves and their planes to the max in the 2-player Dogfight mode, or become master of the skies in single-player mode. Aerowings 2: Air Strike is the most authentic combat flight simulator ever seen on the dreamcast!

CRI apparently decided Aerowings 1 was too peaceful, so they added a combat mode. Several more planes have been added too. You can choose between 5 now. The stunt mode has been kept for the pacifist gamers.

    This game is:
  • Visual Memory Compatible
  • Vibration Pack Compatible

The box claims this game is also VGA compatible. It is not.


Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Sega Dreamcast J S Aero Dancing F CSK (CRI) 2000 Simulator
Sega Dreamcast J S Aero Dancing F [Dreamcast Collection] CSK (CRI) 2000 Simulator
Sega Dreamcast E S AeroWings 2: Airstrike Crave Entertainment 2000 Simulator
Related Games:

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Sega Dreamcast J S Aero Dancing F CSK (CRI) 2000 Simulator
Sega Dreamcast U S AeroWings Crave Entertainment 1999 Simulator
Sega Dreamcast E S AeroWings 2: Airstrike Crave Entertainment 2000 Simulator
FAQ's/External Links:

Page Credits:

Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code.
Mark Hartholt: Overview, external links
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
Rick Kuethe: scans
OatBob: more info, related games, Scans
Scott Williams: Release Type

Last Updated: 2012-05-23 20:56:55
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