Nick and Steve's Game CollectionNick and Steve's Game Collection

Posted on Feb 15th 2012 at 01:04:29 PM by (GamerNick)
Posted under Collecting, Game boxes, Collections

When you were young did your parents ever just throw away your video game systems and game boxes??  The proverbial saying "Yeah, my mom threw out my baseball cards when I moved out of the house."  Well that saying just doesn't go with baseball cards but VIDEO GAME STUFF AS WELL!!!  My parents had collected Atari before I was even born they threw away all of their boxes but a half of one that they used to hold the manuals in Frogger.  My parents also gave away a lot of stuff too like the Timex Computer which was used to play video games kind of like a dinosaur of handheld video games.  As late as the year 2002 my parents threw away video game boxes particularly my Mother! who deemed that since they were just cardboard they were worth NOTHING!  Well MOM your WRONG! Haha Video games are worth way more complete and above all else its just sentimental to say wow! I have a complete in box EARTHBOUND in mint condition like new!  (Sadly I don't at this time)
Parents from the Atari age just don't understand that video games are of value especially games from there era!!! Sorry for some of you that are on here and are Atari area (but I was born in 1983 so I am still part of that era).  My father worked for a place called Lionel Playworld (I so wish he still did, I really need a time machine to stop myself as a kid and my parents).   I bet everyone that had parents like mine wishes they had a time machine to go back and give yourself at a young age and your parents a smack in the back of the head!  I know some collector's out there they parents did keep everything! But for us collectors who didn't we are picking the slack up now finding anything we can in the box (except for the occasional collector who doesn't care about the boxes-SHAME ON YOU!).

But ANY THOUGHTS?? Let's talk and just relieve the horrible memories and relax and then think about how things have gotten better since!


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Hey everyone. My brother and I have collected a lot of games throughout the years. We have a huge collection of games spanning from Pong Systems to the most recent systems. We also have Japanese systems and lot of cool video game related items. Check out our blogs from time to time because we "score" a lot at our video game stores, flea markets, and of course eBay.
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