The Stuff of DreamsThe Stuff of Dreams

Posted on Feb 16th 2011 at 03:32:55 PM by (ReddMcKnight)
Posted under BigEntry, Special, Big, Entry, One

Hey all, I'm back, and this time I have a big entry for everyone. We'll start with my Glove of Power...

Yes, I'm still using this thing. Not as much as I could, mind you, but I AM using it, and I still love it, despite the pain it puts in my arm from time to time. As I mentioned in an earlier entry, it's not the most comfortable thing in the world, but I absolutely love it, and it was worth every penny. Now, if only I could master Punch-Out and Super Mario Bros. with it.

Next, Mass Effect 2 for the PS3 is a Mass Defect. I'm so sick of waiting for the Patch that I'm just going to get the PC Version. Seriously, how long has it been now? Three weeks? Come on, people! How long does it take to get a freaking patch out to the people?! Killzone 3's Open Beta got it's patch after day one! Bah! Anyway, I could rant forever about this, but I won't.

Now, onto the subject of Video Game Movies...Do they really suck, or are big time critics just morons? I'm going to go with the latter. I've always hated it when people judge books by they're covers. Really pisses me off to no end. Take the Super Mario Bros. Movie for example. It's not bad. People just listened to the critics instead of actually going to see it, and it got a bad reputation because of that. Now, when you think of Video Game Movies, you probably think of the name "Uwe Boll". I've never seen any of the movies he's directed, but I SERIOUSLY doubt they're as bad as everyone makes them out to be. Honestly, why can't these damn critics just let people be creative? There's nothing wrong with that!

Ahem...On a side note, I just bought several PC RPGs from They are: Neverwinter Nights 2 Platinum, Baldur's Gate Collection, and Icewind Dale Collection. That's gotta be at least 200+ Hours of gaming right there! Cheesy

Anyway, that's it for now. Also, has anyone seen the 1994 live action film adaption of Double Dragon? Without spoiling it, can anyone who has seen it shout out in the comments if it's any good? Thanks!

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