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Burnout 3: Takedown
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Console: Sony PlayStation 2
Region: GB United Kingdom
Year: 2004
RFG ID #: E-072-S-00300-A
Part #: SLES-52584
UPC: 5030930039189
Developer: Criterion Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts
3+ (PEGI)

Genre: Racing
Sub-genre: Street Racing
Players: 1-8
Controller: Standard Controller
Media Format: DVD
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Collection Stats:

  • 46 of 7635 collectors (0.6%) have this game in their collection
  • 0 of 7635 collectors (0%) have this game in their wishlist.
  • 0 of 7635 collectors (0%) have this game for sale or trade.

Console Reg. Type Title Publisher Year Genre
Sony PlayStation 2 United Kingdom S Burnout 3: Takedown [Platinum] Electronic Arts Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 Netherlands S Burnout 3: Takedown Electronic Arts 2004 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 Sweden S Burnout 3: Takedown Electronic Arts 2004 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 Germany S Burnout 3: Takedown Electronic Arts 2004 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 Germany S Burnout 3: Takedown [Platinum] Electronic Arts 2005 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 Spain S Burnout 3: Takedown Electronic Arts 2004 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 FR, DE, IT S Burnout 3: Takedown Electronic Arts 2004 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 France S Burnout 3: Takedown Electronic Arts 2004 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 France S Burnout 3: Takedown [Platinum] Electronic Arts 2005 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 J S Burnout 3: Takedown EA Games 2004 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 J S Burnout 3: Takedown [EA Best Hits] EA Games 2005 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 J S Burnout 3: Takedown [EA:SY! 1980] EA Games 2008 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Burnout 3: Takedown [Demo] Electronic Arts 2004 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Burnout 3: Takedown Electronic Arts 2004 Racing
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Burnout 3: Takedown [Greatest Hits] Electronic Arts 2005 Racing
Page Credits:

Andyc: miscellaneous data
Michael Collins: Page design, HTML code.
Eddie Herrmann: Perl script.
Patrick: Title addition, Part Number.
Anthony Terzi: Misc
y2richie: Scans, Added UPC, media format and game rating., Amended Part Number, Screenshots
totalgridlock: Players, Media Quantity
Seno: Variation Tie-In
Shadow Kisuragi: Variation Tie-in, Region Edit
Bildtstar: Developer Edit

Last Updated: 2024-08-04 21:51:08
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