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Posted on Nov 6th 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (Addicted)
Posted under Toaplan, PC Engine, Shooter, Horror Story

[img width=600 height=568]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v136/cisco678/RF/napr2_zpsj1cmnphp.jpg[/img]

Toaplan was one of the most prolific developers of shoot em ups during the golden age. They endeared themselves to gamers by releasing titles such as Tiger-Heli, Twin Cobra, Hellfire, Truxton, and the infamous Zero Wing. Released in the arcades in 1989, Horror Story also known as Demon's World internationally is an auto-scrolling horizontal shooter where the player armed with what looks like a copy of a proton pack busts ghosts and other demons. Today we will be looking at the PC Engine port of Horror Story to determine if this game is an under appreciated gem or if it should stay buried.

Continue reading It came from Japan: Horror Story for the PC Engine

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