RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Oct 19th 2021 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under news, Thank you, Playthrough, Shmup Club, submissions, October

[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img]

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you the October 2021 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our November Community Playthrough title, reveal next month's shoot 'em up club game, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!     

REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line.  Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!



[img width=700 height=394]https://i.imgur.com/EDHSqiw.jpg[/img]

Cute, humorous, Japanese, hack n' slash, RPG..... all words that typically define a successful pick for a monthly playthrough over at RF Generation.  Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) are pleased to announce November's playthough, Brave Fencer Musashi, originally released on the PS1. This 1998, action/adventure RPG offers real-time, sword-based combat with a cute and humorous slant. You play as Musashi, a young samurai who is summoned to a parallel world to defend Allucaneet Kingdom from the Thirstquencher Empire. With his swords, Fusion and Lumina, Musashi must search for the Five Scrolls, which enhance the powers of his swords, and face the Wizard of Darkness to save people of Allucaneet. Will you restore peace to Allucaneet Kingdom? And will this game scratch all of the Playcast itches that its initial attributes initially purport to?  Join us and find out!

Brave Fencer Musashi is available on the original, Sony Playstation. We are very excited about November's pick, so be sure to obtain your copy as soon as possible and join us.

Also, be sure to join our forum HERE to discuss the game with fellow site members.



[img width=640 height=411]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.3J4fRAOAeTKjfEpQVHRyDQHaFa%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img]

In the 90's, as arcades were in a general decline, many games that originated in that setting began to move to home consoles, as a way to continue to proliferate. When you have a recognized property that sells well enough based on the name, it makes sense to continue that, right? While home consoles can't always match the power of the arcade hardware, they can offer a way to get that experience in front of a lot of people, and give developers a chance to change things up. Irem gave developer Tamtex that opportunity, when the venerable R-Type series moved from the smoky arcades to the living room, with the arrival of R-Type III: The Third Lightning on the Super Famicom and Super NES.

The dark forces of the BYDO Empire threaten humanity yet again, with more powerful weapons than ever. Over the past few years, they have crept close to Earth, building hidden bases for their fleets. The Earth Science Center had believed that all of the BYDO Empire was destroyed. Now they know that somewhere a BYDO mother ship carries the remnants of that foul civilization. Earth will be overthrown unless the latest R-series vessel, the R-90, can defeat BYDO's armies. Equipped with the mighty Round, Shadow, or Cyclone Forces of power, the R-90 can warp into different dimensions and meet the enemy ships and ground troops on an equal basis. As the Captain of the R-90, you must seek out the mysterious mother ship and destroy it to save humanity.

R-Type III initially saw release on the Super Famicom, and made its way to the west on the Super NES in 1993. A Game Boy Advance version followed 2004. Because it has long been a sought after and expensive game, Retro-Bit licensed the game for re-release (alongside its SNES counterpart Super R-Type), and released R-Type Returns in a single cartridge, which allows you to choose between the two games. Join the RF Generation Shmup Club in November 2021 as we take off and strike the evil Bydo empire in R-Type III!



[img width=640 height=411]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AchingPlasticChafer-size_restricted.gif[/img]

In September, site members contributed a total of 1050 submissions to our database. Of these additions, 1024 were game submissions and 26 were related to hardware items. Of this total, 636 contributions were new images a[nd 623 of these images were game submissions. A big thanks to all who submitted items to our database and to those who reviewed them all for the month of September! We appreciate your efforts in making our database and community a great tool for our users.

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 50) for September 2021 were:

kaysow                   420
ugr                            73
Schlibby                    59
Bear78                      55
ApolloBoy                 49*

Thanks for another great month! 

Top approvers for the month (with a minimum of 25) included:

slackur                      589
ApolloBoy                   94
Schlibby                      39

Great work all!

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