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Posted on Jul 18th 2007 at 03:47:25 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Peter Moore, Microsoft, EA Sports, Laser Tattoo Removal

[img align=right width=200]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/1607324664469d4fb7c9fb7P1010034-2.jpg[/img]
Earlier in the day, a vicious rumor began to surface regarding Peter Moore, the head honcho over at X-Box station. It was rumored that Mr. Moore would be resigning his position in order to take over the helm at EA sports. Well, after about 4 hours speculation this nasty rumor has been confirmed -- Peter Moore is leaving Microsoft for the publishing giant known as EA.

Of course, you may be wondering who will be taking over Peter's previous job. That person would be Don Mattrick. Previously he was an outside adviser for Microsoft, and oddly enough before that he was President of EA. Strange isn't it?

We here at RF Generation wish the best for Mr. Moore, and we certainly hope he finds himself at home at EA Sports. Somehow, I think he'll be rather quick to adjust from one monster of a company to another, but certainly we can't wait to see what Peter Moore does in his new job, or if he has any insightful comments he'd like to say about Microsoft's X-Box business. 

Source: Kotaku

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