Posted on Jan 27th 2025 at 10:36:18 PM by ( slackur) Posted under update |
The site continues to undergo backend revising and experimenting. Also, a new account is in the process of being set up for our server fees. That process sure is slower than we hoped, but it is moving along. My current goal is to start the raffling for donations as soon as we can, hopefully early next month. Given that we are a nonprofit site with bills to pay (kept as minimal as we realistically can) we hope to re-engage community involvement and get some traffic back to the site. Yet I enjoy the tight-knit community of RFGen and consider it one of the last 'comfy' places left on the 'net where I don't have to worry about people and content. Thus, while we don't exactly predict explosive growth, we do want to keep everyone on the same page about 'generating' (wink) and maintaining a healthy place. As we gain members and interaction, we want to be welcoming and patient. We have had to kick folks out in the past, but only as a last resort. Members have come and gone and still occasionally stop by. Our question for the moment is, when the relaunch is more in full swing and new forums and tech are installed, what would you like to see here at RFGeneration? I'm intending on spearheading a new "RFGeneration Nation" podcast. I'd also like to re-engage a forum for limited release physical media. What else would you like to see on RFGeneration 2.0?
Recent Entries Game Room Project - Feb 2025 - The Arcade Cabinet (2/11/2025) My Video Game S.O.A.P. Principle (2/11/2025) SmileBASIC 4 (2/8/2025) Some Reflections On Early Final Fantasy Games (2/4/2025) RFG Dev Log #1 (1/28/2025)
An API for the database that could be used to create 3rd party apps
Fix the variants! It's killing the database.
@shane: Definitely on the docket, once we get the backend rebuilt we should have a much easier time implementing such tools on more updated software.
@shaggy: Agreed! We are reworking the database so that each game title will be the primary launch page, and all of the info and variants will fall under different categories within that game title. We will still be able to generate lists for separate systems and track collections like we do now, but this new methodology should resolve several issues with the current method we are using.
Thanks for the comments, keep them coming!
This might reduce the quality of photo/scan submissions but I would love to be able to upload database photos straight from my phone. These days I never have time to scan things properly and last I checked there are a lot of games/hardware (especially modern) without images.
No matter what I’m excited for the updates!
@gecko007:I'm personally double-minded on the idea. Some folks will want as many representative pictures as possible as it is extremely useful for the database, while others would prefer to maintain a higher quality standard for the pictures we use. I can see both sides.
Once the new database system is in place, we will probably vote to see what we want to do. 
And I'm excited too! 😃
@slackur: rules might help bridge the gap. Something like: Scans are preferred and will replace photos when submitted. Photos must have a solid color background and take up no more than 25% of the photo on the long side. Plus other obvious things like photos must have good lighting and not contain other items besides the intended target (pets, hands, feet, other games, etc.).
Like this we could have someone like me add some decent quality photos to get them in the database and then someone with more time could come around later and replace the photos with higher quality scans when they get to it.
It also might help the review process if a photo can be submitted with the game submission even if this photo doesn’t ultimately make it into the database.
@gecko007: makes sense. Make sure you remind me when we get to that phase, sounds like we need to work up a simple protocol. 
@gecko007: That's not a bad idea. I like it.
@gecko007: I would love this idea, and it was something that I only briefly explored on my previous phone while the RFG Android app was working. The ability to submit direct from a phone or tablet would be excellent, especially if you might see a store-specific variant of a game you already own, but could quickly snap some pics, grab a UPC, etc. and submit right at Walmart or Target instead of having to buy the game to take it home. At minimum, it would give us the ability to have more stuff in the database in a more timely fashion.
As for myself, I'd like to see the site retooled in a way to make it more mobile-friendly. Given that we're in the age of the smartphone based web experience, rather than a new app like we used to have, let's just focus on making the site accessible and friendly to phones, and bake in the same kinds of features the app had, such as barcode scanning. How cool would it be to be able to scan a barcode at a pawn shop or Goodwill to verify if you have a specific game in your library already, versus having to jump to the search and type in the game, then wade through potentially dozens of possible variants to determine what's what? That seems like a feature that would be a major benefit to users, and encourage use of the site over some of the game collection apps out there.
Stuff I want to see:
- mobile friendly - dark mode - less and more specific database stuff (what inversephase described) - accessible on older devices - modern-looking - no links to websites that are gone - plenty of content on an active schedule - offline app on desktop for collecting (similar to the android app) - affordable merch - updates to the database ui - rewriting of all website text - art overhaul
Probably other stuff
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