In my article "The Development of OMNIFATE", I (for about a paragraph) talked about my relatively newfound appreciation for music as a whole. So, I figured I, as a composer, would do this topic justice and give it its own article. (Also, yes, I know I already wrote an article this month, but to be honest, I'm not really proud of how that one turned out.)
(I was gonna start of this paragraph by mentioning the date when I made Wurly, but I can't remember the actual date, and my computer is literally giving me no help with that. Case and point:

Isn't technology amazing?)
When I made Wurly on [see above brackets for more information] about June 2021, I gained more of an appreciation for the true effort that goes into producing a song. Sure, there had been music I had appreciated before then, but it was mostly just Toby Fox and Jackbox soundtracks. Pretty much every game I've played since then I've had an ear for hearing the music for what it is: actual really good music.
It also helps that around 2021 I was able to create a Spotify account. I joke about having a lot of hours on YouTube, but Spotify is the service I by far have the most time on, even in just the two years I've had it. Most of my playlists on it are comprised of video game soundtracks, although recently I've added some songs from movies as well (including the Super Mario Bros Movie, which I will rewatch soon and write an article about probably next month).
Here are some of the most recent games I've played, here are my thoughts on their music.
Super Mario Land 2: Just like the rest of this game, the music has a really unique vibe to it.
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe: AMAZING soundtrack, with pretty much no song in it having less than a 7/10 for me. Unfortunately, it is exclusive to Bandcamp, YouTube, and Steam right now, but the developers have confirmed that the soundtrack will be coming to other streaming services later this year (...the same as 2022...).
UNDERTALE: I mentioned this in the DELTARUNE article, but Toby Fox is probably my favorite video game composer. Also, yes, I did recently replay UNDERTALE.
ARK: Survival Evolved: The music gets repetitive, but in and of themselves the songs are good.
The last part of this is being a composer myself. I'm biased against my own works (which seems counterintuitive but think about the last time you went up on stage and didn't critique yourself at least once), but I have been told by early playtesters of OMNIFATE and people I've shown my music to in general that it is very well made. I myself can't wait to release the soundtrack to OMNIFATE, but of course I do have to wait until the game is out before I can. Attempting to throw away all biases, I find my music nice to listen to and better than average, but not as good as Toby Fox or Nightmargin.
Anyway, that's enough nerding out. 
I've been koola, and go buy the OneShot Soundtrack from Bandcamp. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. DO IT, OR ELSE I'LL---[/i][/u] <- Whoopsy! This is an RF Generation glitch, not my fault. The tags are written and workiong as intended on my part.
(I just described music in a written form for a dozen-ish paragraphs. If you're feeling tired of reading about music and want to hear some, here's a gift from me to you. )

Omnifate has officially been my longest project.
The amount of hours I've poured into this project has almost outshined my amount of hours on YouTube on Switch.
All jokes aside, I've been hard at work on this for about 4 months now. Although the work on the RPG technically started a year ago, I hadn't really been actually doing anything 'til June 2022 due to various reasons.
Making a game isn't hard, honestly; the biggest problem that I've fixed has only took me 2 weeks. What I find harder is telling the story you actually want to tell. I've had the idea for making a game since about 2020; it started taking shape in 2021; and now here we are with a demo of the game. When I've watched interviews with game developers, the number one thing I hear is to keep it small. It is incredibly hard to control your excitement about such a project, so you'll often get carried away doing things related to the game, but not working on the actual game.
OMNIFATE has been a big passion project. I'm not really intending to profit off of it. My goal here is to create a game that I would want to play. I want to see more Earthbound-style games, so I'm making one. If anybody disagrees, that's fine.
So far, development has had its hurdles, but I'm really liking how it's coming along.
Composing the music for OMNIFATE has been really fun, too. In my head, before July 2021, I thought that if anything were to be completed and music was to be done, I would have music commissioned by someone like C418. But since I composed Wurly, I've been composing my own music and had a better appreciation of video game soundtracks. I've been told by a lot of people that my music is really well done. (Shameless plug but check out my music on Spotify or wherever you stream your music.)
I've been koola, and I know. I made this article way too late.
(Number of bugs: 348,973 and counting...)
So I was lingering around RFGeneration not really doing anything, and I realized that I had not shared anything about Omnifate with RFGeneration since August. A lot has happened since then.
Let's start with some of the more influential stuff. I switched to making Omnifate an RPG, as I noticed that most of the story elements I wanted to have would fit better in one. I've been composing music as I come up with the story, and just overall composing for fun sometimes.
I have acquired the services of an artist. Her pen name is Raini, so that's what I'll call her for the rest of this. Raini is very helpful for Omnifate and makes anything I draw look 10x better. She draws in this anime art style that just oozes joy out of me when I see it. Seriously, I hope she pursues this as more of a career.
Next, I'm working on getting a demo with at least the first bit of the game in it in the summer months.
Coming up with a good story is a really hard thing to do. I don't want to plagiarize, but I also don't want to include no standard RPG tropes, so I've just been working out the story in my head as I go.
Overall, development is coming along better.
I've been koola, and Omnifate is coming as soon as I can finish it. Please stay tuned.
(I really have to fight procrastination.)
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Welcome to my little side of the internet! This is where I post game reviews, video-game related things, and stuff about MY game, OMNIFATE. Expect a new article about every month; sometimes I post more than once in a month or take five-month long breaks.
(The schedule is a guideline.)
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