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Console Reg. Type Title ^ Publisher Year Genre Qty Box Man
Nintendo NES U S 1942 [5 Screw] Capcom 1986 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S 1943: The Battle of Midway [Round Seal] Capcom 1988 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe [Text Label] Atari 1980 Game Simulator 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Activision Decathlon, The Activision 1983 Sports 1 0 1
ColecoVision U S Activision Decathlon, The Activision 1984 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo SNES U S Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder Capcom 1994 RPG 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Adventure [Picture Label] Atari 1981 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Adventure Island II Hudson Soft 1991 Platformer 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Adventure Island, Hudson's [Round Seal] Hudson Soft 1988 Platformer 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Adventures of Tron M Network 1983 Action 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Air-Sea Battle [Picture Label] Atari 1981 Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Airwolf Acclaim 1989 Simulator 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Alpha Beam with Ernie Atari 1983 Education 1 0 1
Nintendo Game Boy U S Amazing Spider-Man, The LJN 1990 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation U S Amazing Virtual Sea Monkeys, The Conspiracy 2002 Simulator 1 1 1
Atari 2600 U S Amidar Parker Brothers 1982 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo Game Boy U S Arcade Classic No. 4: Defender / Joust Nintendo 1995 Compilation 1 0 0
Sega Genesis U S Arcade Classics Sega 1996 Compilation 1 1 1
Atari 2600 U S Arcade Pinball [Text Label - Red and Brown ] Sears 1980 Game Simulator 1 0 0
Sega Game Gear U S Arch Rivals Flying Edge 1992 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Archon Activision 1989 Game Simulator 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Artillery Duel / Chuck Norris Superkicks Xonox 1983 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Asteroids Atari 1981 Classic Shooter 2 0 1
Atari 7800 U S Asteroids [Rerelease - 1987 - Printed in Taiwan] Atari 1987 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Atlantis [Picture Label - Night Scene] Imagic 1982 Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Back to the Future LJN 1989 Action 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Backgammon [Text Label] Atari 1979 Game Simulator 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance [Greatest Hits] Interplay 2002 RPG 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II Vivendi Games 2004 RPG 1 1 1
Atari 2600 U S Barnstorming Activision 1982 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
APF M1000 / MP1000 U S Baseball APF Electronics 1978 Sports 1 0 0
Sega Saturn U S Battle Arena Toshinden Remix Sega 1996 Fighting 1 1 1
Atari 2600 U S Battlezone Atari 1983 Shooter 1 0 0
Atari 5200 US S Berzerk Atari 1984 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Berzerk [Rerelease - 1987] Atari 1987 Classic Shooter 1 0 1
Nintendo NES U S Black Bass, The Hot-B 1989 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo Game Boy U S Blades of Steel Ultra 1991 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Blades of Steel [Round Seal] Konami 1988 Sports 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S BMX Air Master TNT Games 1989 Sports 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Bowling [Text Label - Red] Atari 1979 Sports 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Boxing Activision 1980 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Boy and His Blob, A Absolute Entertainment 1990 Platformer 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Breakout [Text Label] Atari 1978 Action 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Bridge Activision 1980 Game Simulator 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Bubble Bobble [Round Seal] Taito 1988 Platformer 1 0 0
ColecoVision U S Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Coleco 1984 Shooter 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Sega 1983 Shooter 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Bugs Data Age 1982 Shooter 1 0 0
Atari 2600 U S Burgertime M Network 1983 Action/Adventure 2 0 0
ColecoVision U S Burgertime Coleco 1984 Action 1 0 0

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