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Console Reg. Type Title ^ Publisher Year Genre Qty Box Man
Sony PlayStation 2 U S 007: Agent Under Fire Electronic Arts 2001 Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S 10-Yard Fight [5 Screw - System TM] Nintendo 1987 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo GameCube U S 1080° Avalanche Nintendo 2003 Sports 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S 1080º Snowboarding Nintendo 1998 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S 1942 [3 Screw - Round Seal] Capcom 1987 Classic Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S 1943: The Battle of Midway [Oval Seal] Capcom 1989 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Sega Genesis 32X U S 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples, Golf Magazine Presents Sega 1995 Sports 1 1 1
Sega Saturn U S 3D Baseball Crystal Dynamics 1996 Sports 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation U S 3D Baseball Crystal Dynamics 1996 Sports 1 1 1
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console U S 3D Classics: Kid Icarus Nintendo 2012 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console U S 3D Classics: TwinBee Nintendo 2011 Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console U S 3D Classics: Xevious Nintendo 2011 Shooter 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation 3 U S 3D Dot Game Heroes Atlus 2010 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console U S 3D Ecco the Dolphin SEGA 2013 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo eShop US S 3D Gunstar Heroes Sega 2015 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo eShop US S 3D Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master Sega 2013 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo eShop U S 3D Sonic The Hedgehog Sega 2013 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo eShop U S 3D Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Sega 2015 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console U S 3D Space Harrier Sega 2013 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo eShop US S 3D Streets of Rage Sega 2013 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo eShop US S 3D Streets of Rage 2 Sega 2015 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console U S 3D Super Hang-On SEGA 2013 Racing 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies Namco 2001 Simulator 1 1 1
Sega Saturn U H Action Replay 4M Plus EMS 1997 Memory/Backup 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Activision Anthology Activision 2002 Compilation 1 1 1
IBM PC U S Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Collector's Edition WizardWorks 1994 Compilation 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S Adventure Island, Hudson's [Oval Seal] Hudson Soft 1989 Platformer 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Adventures of Bayou Billy, The Konami 1989 Action 1 1 1
Nintendo eShop US S Adventures of Pip TicToc Games 2015 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Microsoft Xbox Live Arcade U S Aegis Wing Microsoft 2007 Shooter 1 0 0
IBM PC U S Age of Mythology [Bonus Edition] Microsoft 2007 Strategy 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S Akai Katana Rising Star Games 2012 Shooter 1 1 1
Sega Game Gear U S Aladdin, Disney's Sega 1994 Platformer 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation Network US S Alice: Madness Returns Ultimate Edition Electronic Arts 2012 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation Network U S Alien Crush Hudson 2011 Game Simulator 1 0 0
Microsoft Xbox 360 U S All-Pro Football 2K8 2K Sports 2007 Sports 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S All-Star Baseball 2000 Acclaim 1999 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo 64 U S All-Star Baseball 2001 Acclaim 2000 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console U S Alleyway Nintendo 2011 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation U S Allied General Mindscape 1996 Strategy 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation Network U S Alpha Mission SNK Playmore 2011 Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Alpha Mission [5 Screw] SNK 1987 Shooter 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation Network U S Alpha Mission II SNK Playmore 2010 Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S American Gladiators GameTek 1991 Sports 1 0 0
Sega Genesis U S Animaniacs Konami 1994 Platformer 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S Arch Rivals: A BasketBRAWL! Acclaim 1991 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Arkanoid [5 Screw] Taito 1987 Action 1 0 0
Microsoft Xbox Live Arcade U S ARKANOID Live! Xbox LIVE Arcade 2009 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo SNES U S Arkanoid: Doh it Again Nintendo 1997 Action 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation Network U S Art of Fighting SNK Playmore 2010 Fighting 1 0 0

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