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Console Reg. Type Title ^ Publisher Year Genre Qty Box Man
Microsoft Xbox U S 007: Agent Under Fire [Platinum Hits] Electronic Arts 2003 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox U S 007: NightFire [Platinum Hits] Electronic Arts 2003 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S 10-Yard Fight [5 Screw - System TM] Nintendo 1987 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S 1942 [5 Screw] Capcom 1986 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S 1943: The Battle of Midway [Round Seal] Capcom 1988 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation Vita U S 2064: Read Only Memories Limited Run Games 2017 Adventure 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 U S 2064: Read Only Memories [Cover B] Limited Run Games 2017 Adventure 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 3 U S 3D Dot Game Heroes Atlus 2010 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S 720° [Seal ™] Mindscape 1989 Sports 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S 8 Eyes Taxan 1990 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Abadox: The Deadly Inner War Milton Bradley 1990 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Action 52 [Green Board - Clear Label] Active Enterprises 1991 Compilation 1 0 0
Nintendo GameCube U H Action Replay Datel 2003 Accessory 1 1 0
Nintendo DS U H Action Replay DS Datel 2006 Accessory 1 1 0
Nintendo SNES U S ActRaiser Enix 1991 Strategy 1 1 0
Nintendo SNES U S ActRaiser 2 Enix 1993 Platformer 1 0 0
Nintendo Game Boy Advance U S Advance Wars Nintendo 2001 Strategy 1 1 0
Nintendo DS U S Advance Wars: Dual Strike Nintendo 2005 Strategy 1 1 0
Microsoft Xbox U S Advent Rising Majesco 2005 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S Adventure Island II Hudson Soft 1991 Platformer 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Adventure Island, Hudson's [Oval Seal] Hudson Soft 1989 Platformer 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Adventures of Bayou Billy, The Konami 1989 Action 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Adventures of Cookie & Cream, The Agetec 2001 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S Adventures of Dino Riki, The Hudson Soft 1989 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Adventures of Lolo HAL America 1989 Puzzle 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Adventures of Lolo 2 HAL America 1990 Puzzle 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S Adventures of Lolo 3 HAL America 1991 Puzzle 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S After Burner Tengen 1989 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Air Fortress HAL America 1989 Classic Shooter 1 0 0
Nintendo Famicom J S Akumajou Densetsu Konami 1989 Platformer 1 0 0
Nintendo Famicom Disk System J S Akumajou Dracula Konami 1986 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Nintendo Famicom J S Akumajou Special: Boku Dracula Kun! Konami 1990 Platformer 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing Data East 1990 Racing 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation 3 U S Alice: Madness Returns Electronic Arts 2011 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox GB S Alien Hominid O~3 Entertainment 2005 Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo Game Boy U S Alleyway Nintendo 1989 Action 1 1 0
Nintendo Game Boy Color U S Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare Infogrames 2001 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Microsoft Xbox U S Alter Echo THQ 2003 Action/Adventure 1 1 0
Sony PlayStation 4 US S Among the Sleep Soedesco 2016 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation Vita U S Antiquia Lost Limited Run Games 2018 RPG 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox Live Indie Games U S Apple Jack 2 My Owl Software 2012 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation 4 U S Aragami [Collector's Edition] Maximum Games 2016 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 2 U S Arcana Heart Atlus 2008 Fighting 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 2 J S Arcana Heart AQ Interactive 2007 Fighting 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation 3 GB S Arcana Heart 3 [Limited Edition] Zen United 2011 Fighting 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation Vita U S Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!! Aksys Games 2014 Fighting 1 1 1
Sega Saturn U S Area 51 Midway 1996 Shooter 1 1 0
Nintendo NES U S Arkista's Ring American Sammy 1990 Action/Adventure 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation Vita U S Army Corps of Hell Square-Enix 2012 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation Vita U S Asdivine Hearts Limited Run Games 2017 RPG 1 1 1

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