The guy's name from the beginning is Darpan. I did the same thing for the helicopter on all the bell towers.
Longinus'es birth place is the setting of Far Cry 2: Did you notice probably gave away the location of Fary Cry 5? (South America or Cuba?)
If you have the take down skills unlocked the Shangri-La missions become a lot easier as you can just run up and take down several enemies at once.
If you go back to the starting town (Banapur) you can find Paul in a cage pleading for his cell phone.
@Bill: Great choice of mission in FarCry 3!
The psycho honey badger can't hurt you if you stand on a rock. Run towards the rock and then fire away... in fact a lot of the animals have trouble navigating around rocks.
I picked up as many green herbs as possible so I had over 50 syringes ready. The game lets you hold up to 8 syringes but each time you use one it auto crafts a new one. This does take a lot of the difficulty away though...
Around the 50 minute mark there is a little confusion. The location for the bombs is not the Arena. It is the Chal Jama Monestary. The mission where you climb up the statues takes place at The Sleeping Saints.
One of the loading screens suggests that Paul used to work for an unspecified American Intelligence Agency. (CIA).
The basement mission takes place in the Utkarsh village and that mission ends with you killing Pagan's look a like.
The mission where you are captured is the last Willis mission. He gives you the line about Patriots and pushes you out of the plane.