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Console Reg. Type Title ^ Publisher Year Genre Qty Box Man
Sony PlayStation 4 US S -Klaus- Hardcopy Games 2020 Platformer 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 US S .hack//G.U.: Last Recode Bandai Namco Entertainment 2017 RPG 1 1 1
Nintendo GameCube U S 007: Agent Under Fire Electronic Arts 2002 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo GameCube U S 007: From Russia With Love Electronic Arts 2005 Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo GameCube U S 007: NightFire Electronic Arts 2002 Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo 64 U S 007: The World Is Not Enough Electronic Arts 2000 Shooter 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation U S 007: Tomorrow Never Dies Electronic Arts 1999 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo Game Boy Color U S 102 Dalmatians, Disney's: Puppies to the Rescue Activision 2000 Action/Adventure 2 0 0
VTech Socrates U H 12 Volt AC Adaptor VTech 1988 Cables 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 U S 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim [Includes Art Book] SEGA 2020 Strategy 1 1 1
Commodore 64 U H 1530/C2N Datassette [White Body - Black Lid] Commodore 1982 Accessory 1 0 0
IBM PC U S 1602 A.D. Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment 2000 Strategy 1 1 1
Commodore 64 U H 1702 Composite Monitor Commodore 1984 Accessory 1 0 0
Nintendo NES U S 1942 [5 Screw] Capcom 1986 Classic Shooter 1 1 1
Nintendo NES U S 1943: The Battle of Midway [Round Seal] Capcom 1988 Classic Shooter 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 U S 1971 Project Helios GS2 Games 2020 Strategy 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 U S 2064: Read Only Memories [Cover B] Limited Run Games 2017 Adventure 1 1 1
Microsoft Xbox 360 U H 20GB Hard Drive [Official Microsoft] Microsoft 2005 Memory/Backup 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation 4 U S 25th Ward, The: The Silver Case [Limited Edition] NIS America 2018 Adventure 1 1 1
Bally Professional Arcade / Astrocade U S 280 Zzzap / Dodgem Bally 1978 Racing 1 0 0
Sony PlayStation 4 GB S 2Dark BigBen Interactive 2017 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Sega CD U S 3 Ninjas Kick Back / Hook Sony Imagesoft 1994 Compilation 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 US S 35MM Limited Run Games 2023 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
3DO U H 3DO Interactive Multiplayer [Panasonic FZ-1 R.E.A.L.] Matsushita 1993 System 1 0 0
3DO U H 3DO Interactive Multiplayer [Panasonic FZ-10 R.E.A.L.] Matsushita 1994 System 1 0 0
Sony PSP U S 3rd Birthday, The Square Enix 2011 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 U S 428 Shibuya Scramble Spike Chunsoft 2018 Adventure 1 1 1
Philips CD-i U S 7th Guest, The Philips Media 1993 Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S 7th Saga, The Enix 1993 RPG 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 U S 8 to Glory: Official Game of the PBR THQ Nordic 2018 Sports 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 U S 8-Bit Adventure Anthology: Volume 1 Limited Run Games 2018 Adventure 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 US S 88 Heroes Rising Star Games 2017 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo Switch U S 8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure Red Art Games 2022 Platformer 1 1 1
Commodore VIC-20 U H 8K RAM Cartridge Commodore 1981 Accessory 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 DE S 99Vidas Strictly Limited Games 2018 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Tiger Handhelds U S 99x Games: Resident Evil 2 Tiger Electronics 1998 Shooter 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 US S 9th Dawn III: Shadow of Erthil Limited Run Games 2022 RPG 1 1 1
Texas Instruments TI-99/4A U S A-Maze-Ing [Pink Label] Texas Instruments 1981 Action 1 0 1
Sony PlayStation 4 US S A-Train: Express Limited Run Games 2019 Simulator 1 1 1
Nintendo SNES U S A.S.P.: Air Strike Patrol Seta 1994 Classic Shooter 1 1 1
Sega CD U S A/X-101 Absolute Entertainment 1994 Classic Shooter 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 U S Aaero Limited Run Games 2018 Music/Rhythm 1 1 1
IBM PC U S Abomination: The Nemesis Project Eidos Interactive 1999 Strategy 1 1 1
Mattel Intellivision U S ABPA Backgammon Mattel 1979 Game Simulator 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 U S Absolute Drift: Zen Edition Limited Run Games 2017 Simulator 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 U S Absolver Special Reserve Games 2017 RPG 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 US S Abzû 505 Games 2017 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Nintendo Virtual Boy U H AC Adapter Tap Set Nintendo 1995 Accessory 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 FR S Acalesia Victory Road / Red Art Games 2023 Action/Adventure 1 1 1
Sony PlayStation 4 U S Accounting+ Limited Run Games 2019 Adventure 1 1 1

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